
Holocaust Timeline

  • Nazi party formed

    Nazi party formed
    a political party made for the far right & German nationalists. This party disliked the Jews and had extremist political views. This is called antisemitism.
  • Hitler makes "Mein Kampf"

    Hitler makes "Mein Kampf"
    This is Hitler's book, translated as "My Struggle" which in sum discussed why Hitler disliked Jews. This is propaganda. This added fuel to the fire for the Nazis and their antisemitism.
  • Hitler comes to power (chancellor)

    Hitler comes to power (chancellor)
    Hitler is elected to be a chancellor in 1933. He then began leading the political party Nazis. Hitler was elected by the public because of promises like abolishing reperations, little did the public know, there is a dark future ahead.
  • Holocaust begins

    Holocaust begins
    This is when the Germans began using the govt. to exclude the Jews and started practicing extreme anti-Semitism. This was before the genocide occurred, but Germans would still attack Jews.
  • Nazis expansion

    Nazis expansion
    The Nazi regime spread from their part of Germany, to different parts of Europe. Over the next two years, the Nazis started forming alliances westward with different countries. This made the Nazi's a HUGE unbeatable army.
  • Ghettos created for Jews

    Ghettos created for Jews
    Nazis created these ghettos for Jews to control them and to make them live in suffering conditions. This lead to Nazis invading these ghettos to kill the Jews. These ghettos were just basically another version of the concentration camps. Germans could invade at any time, people in the ghettos had no privacy.
  • "Final Solution" implemented

    "Final Solution" implemented
    The Nazis made this plan to hopefully exterminate all Jews. This started the genocide that just used to be hatred. Nazis took the lives of anyone with dark hair features and bigger noses. They also killed the disabled, homosexuals, marxists, people in disagreement of the Nazis, Gypsies, Jehovah Witnesses, ect..
  • Nazi's control

    Nazi's control
    Nazi controlled most of Europe by this time. The Nazi's expanded westward throughout Europe and had control over countries like Poland, Denmark, Belgium, France, ect ...
  • Period: to

    Mass killings/ genocide

    When the mass killings of Jews took place killing 6 million Jews, out of the 11 million killed. These Jews were killed by gas chambers, mass shootings, or at "death camps"