Period: to
The end of WW1
After Turkey and Austria-Hungary signed an armistice Germany was the last one to finally sign an armistice in a railcar in a French forest near the front lines. -
The Rise of the Nazi Party.
The "German Workers Party" became very popular when Hitler joined. Through his speeches of anti-semitism and staying true to the Volk of Germany he changed the name to "National Socialist Workers Party." By the end of the 1920's the were nearly 3,000 Nazi members. -
The Treaty of Versailles
The Germans had to sign the Treaty of Versilles after they lost the first World War. Germany had to give up 13.5 percent of it's 1914 territory and all of it's overseas possesions. -
The Beer Hall Putsch
Hitler tried to overthrow local authorities in Munich that failed miserably. He was sentenced to five years in prison, but only had to spend one year in prison. Other Nazis had smaller sentences. -
Mein Kampf
While in prison Adolf Hitler wrote an autobiography called Mein Kampf "My Struggle" that was published in 1925. It included his ideas on anti-semitism, German nationalism, and anti-Bolvshevism. -
Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor
President Hindenburg makes Adolf Hitler Chancellor of Germany. -
The Burning of the Books
German students all over Germany burn all books with "unGerman ideas" varying from authors like Einstein to Jack London. -
Hitler becomes Fuhrur
German President Hindenburg dies making Adolf Hitler Fuhrur. -
Berlin Holds Olympics
To help promote Nazi Propaganda, Germany held the Olympics in Berlin. They showed a clip of Hitler being a god, other countries planned to boycott, but Hitler allowed the German jews to play so it didn't happen. -
"Night of Broken Glass" started when a young Jewish boy shot a person of the German Embassy. Propaganda Minister Goebbles used this against the Jews. Mobs of Nazis burned synagogues, vandelized houses and buisnesses, and sent thousands ofJews to concentration camps. -
Poland is taken over
Hitler invaded Poland -
WW11 begins
With Germany refusing to move out, Britain and France declare war on Germany and help Poland. -
Jews Wear Yellow Stars
General Govener Hans Frank orders that all Jews wear the Star of David on their arms or pinned to their chest or backs. It was a way to further discriminate against Jews. It was also easier for the Nazis to separate them from other citizens and send them to concentration camps. -
3 More Countries Become Nazi Allies
Hngary, Romania, and Slovakia become Nazi Allies. -
The Warsaw Ghetto is Sealed off
Warsaw is separated and sealed off containing 400,000 Jews. -
The Final Solution
Reinhard Henrych held a meeting of Nazi Government officials telling them about his idea of the "final solution." The idea was that all concentration camps would complete full genocide of all prisoners, including the killing of all prisoners upon arrival. Their goal was to exterminate 11 million people. -
Majdanek Concentration Camp Opens
Nazis open Majdanek concentration camp in Lublin, Poland. -
The Vilna Ghetto is Established
The Vilna Ghetto is Established containing 40,000 Jews -
Theresienstadt Ghetto
Near Prague, Czeckoslovakia Theresienstadt Ghetto is established, which was later used as a model for propaganda. -
Belzec Extermination Camp
In Poland the Belzec extermination camp became operational with perminant gas chambers using carbon monoxide piped in from engines outside of the chambers. -
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
The Jewish Fighter Organization (ZOB) led the fights for a month using weapons they smuggled into the ghetto. The fighting ended when Nazis responded by bringing in tanks and machine guns burning buildings, destroying the ghetto, and killing the last 60,000 Jews living there. -
Waldenburg Saves Jews
Swdish diplomat Raoul Waldenburg saved 33,000 jews with help from the World Jewish Congress and the American War Refugee Board. He issued protective documents so Jews could be released from deportation trains, death marches, and labor camps. -
Anne Frank is Captured
Anne Frank and her family are arrested by the Gestapo in Amsterdam and sent to Auschowitz. Anne and her sister are sent to Bergen-Belsen where Anne dies of Typhus. -
The Auschwitz Uprising
The Sonderkommando blew up one of the four crematories at Auschwitz,later all of the heroes were captured and killed. -
Liberation of the Concentration Camps
Allied troops entered Nazi territorie in their continued assult on the enemy . They destroyed concentration camps with rooms of gas chambers with fingernail marks on the walls, and ditches filled with dead bodies. General Eisenhower insisted on photographing and documenting the results of the war for future generations. He also forced villagers neighboring the camps to view what had occured around them. -
The DP Camps
More than 250,000 Jews lived in "displaced persons" camps and urban centers in Germany, Austria, and Italy. The Americans, British, and French Allies controlled the centers until the United Nations helped. -
The Death of Hitler
Adolf Hitler commits suiside in his Berlin bunker in a Chancellery building. He along with many of his personal staff stayed in the building waiting for Russian troops to come. Almost before the Russians came Hitler and his other cowardly friends killed themselves with either gunshots to the head or poison pills. -
Auschwitz Kommandant Hanged
Former Auschwitz Kommandant Hoss was caught hiding as a farm worker. He was tried, found guilty and was hanged at Auschwitz by Crematory #1. -
SS-Eihnsatz Leader's Trials
Twenty SS-Eihnsatz leaders are on trial before a U.S. Tribunal at Nurmberg. Fourteen are sentenced to death though only four are executed. The others had their sentences commuted. -
The State of Israel is Born
The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Isreal was signed by the National Council representing all of the Jewish community. Isreal was born and became the homeplace of the Jews where they created a strong government and a safe place for themselves.