holocaust memories
January 30, 1933
President Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler Chancellor of Germany. -
holocaust memories
April 7, 1933
Law for the Reestablishment of the Professional Civil Service. -
holocaust memories
April 1, 1933
Boycott of Jewish-owned shops and businesses in Germany. -
holocaust memories
March 16, 1935
Germany introduces military conscription. -
Approximately 100 Jews were murdered,
20,000 German and Austrian Jews arrested and sent to camps, Hundreds of synagogues burned, and the
Windows of Jewish shops all over Germany and Austria smashed. -
jews fine
Jews were made to pay one billion marks for the damage caused by Kristallnacht. -
A new concentration camp, Auschwitz, opened -
The Einsatzgruppen (killing squads) began rounding up and murdering Jews in Russia. 33,000 Jews are murdered in two days at Babi Yar near Kiev.