The Start
Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany. Germany had a Jewish population of 566,000 Germany controlled 79 million people. -
The Sworming
40,000 secret police sworm Germany looking for Jews. They were sent by Hitler. They got mostly all of the Jews. -
Open Camp
Nazis open Dachau concentration camp. Munich, to be followed by Buchenwald near Weimar in central Germany. Sachsenhausen near Berlin in northern Germany, and Ravensbruck for women. -
Jews are banned from labor
Jews are banned from all Labor. They can no longer provide for their families. They can no longer work -
Nazis ban Jews from Military
They Jews can no longer serve in the German Military. They can't serve their country. A large amount of the population a Jews worked in the military. -
Women forced Abortions
Women are forced to abort their baby's. They did this to Jews. They wanted to prevent the spread of hereditary diseases. -
Jews are banned from professional occupations
They are banned from working for Germany. They can no longer provide for their families. They are out of jobs. -
Jews are forced to sell
They Nazis forced Jews to give up land and wealth. They had to give their homes away and they got nothing for it. They had no money. -
Jews forced to hand over silver and gold
They have no more valuables. They can no longer make money . They have nothing. -
Yellow stars
They were forced to wear stars. The Nazis needed to know if they were Jewish. That was their label