Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
I chose this because the Nazi Party is now in control of Germany and has power. They "temporarily" suspend civil liberties. -
Jews are deprived of their citizenship and basic rights
I chose this event because Jews are being treated poorly and not how citizens should be treated. -
Nazis boycott Jewish owned business and Jews no longer are able to vote
This was important because Jews could not own businesses anymore and aren't allowed to vote now. -
Kristallnacht, "The night of the broken glass"
Nazis in Germany torched Jewish homes, businesses and schools. About 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to concentration camps. I chose this event because it started the holocaust. -
Nuremberg Laws
Only people of "german or Kindred blood" could be citizens of Germany. They said that Jews could not have citizenship and were their own race. I chose the Nuremburg laws because this allowed Germans to treat Jews like their slaves. -
German Jews are forced into Concentration camps
I chose this event because this was important. It was the first time Jews were put into the concentration camps where they were forced to work. -
Jews across Western Europe are being forced into concentration camps
I chose this event because now all Jews across Europe are being put into concentration camps and having no rights. -
Nazi officials discuss "Final Solution" to the government
I chose this event ba=ecause their final solution was to kill all Jews in order to create the Aryan race. -
Hitler takes over Hungary
I chose this event because after Hitler took over Hungary, he began deporting 12,000 Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz, where they were killed, each day. -
Hitler is defeated and World War II is over
I chose this because it was the most important event. The holocaust is now over and the survivors of the camps would go to displaced persons facilties.