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    Germans were happy about the war, eventually lost.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Germany forced to sign unfavorable Treaty of Versailles. Lose Land, Lose Military, Pay money to Allied Forces (a lot of money).
  • Hyper Inflation

    When Germany printed a ton of money, dollar value dropped. Bread went from 2.37 marks to 399 billion Marks in 3 years.
  • Beerhall Putsch

    Hitler attempts to overthrow the German government. Does not succeed. Ended with a lot of people being arrested.
  • Hitler on Trial

    Used the trials to give huge speech further blaming Jews for problems of Germany. Goes to jail for 9 months, writes Mein Kapf and becomes even more beloved.
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    Republic Government(Germany)

    A government style where the people have a certain amount of power. Nazis don't have a lot of votes. Hindenburg becomes old man.
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    Nuremberg Trials

    The allies and the international community put a number of Germans on trial for war crimes, and other crimes. The Germans said they weren't guilty under the circumstances.
  • Anne Frank B-Day

    Anne Frank B-Day
  • First Concentration Camp

    First camps were set up as prisons and people were forced to do hard work, not killing camps. The camps were not designed for Jews, but for political prisoners.
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    Mobile killing squads. These groups would round up Jews from the newly occupied areas and kill them. They invaded the Soviet Union and they killed them there.
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler was a solider and an amazing speaker who promised to make Germany better. He convinced people by blaming the Jews. Hindenburg scared of what he will do, but doesn't want people to hate him.
  • Reichstag Fire

    Nazis largest political group, communists biggest enemy. Fire of Reichstag blamed on communist. Uses it to rally the people.
  • Enabling Act

    Hindenburg gives Hitler temporary emergency power of the government. This converts Hitler into Dictator. Hitler arrests all communists, makes it illegal to belong to any other party.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nazis make law that says that if your grandparents are Jewish, or you are Jewish, you aren't a German citizen. Starts to take away rights.
  • Kristallnacht

    Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools and businesses and killed close to 100 Jews. After Kristallnacht, conditions for German Jews grew increasingly worse.
  • WW2

    Germany invades Poland, and WW2 begins. Matters because it started a war, made people forget about the persecution of Jews, and Poland had 3 million more Jews.
  • Euthanasia Program Begins

    Euthanasia - systematic killing of those Germans whom Nazis'deemed unworthy because of mental illness or physical disability.
    80,000 people with disabilities killed.
  • Started to create Ghettos in Poland

    After conquering Poland, the created ghettos in Poland to round up all Jews.
  • First Death Camps

    First Death Camps
    First death camp opens at Chelmno(central Poland). Gas chambers used Zyklon B, this turned death camps into murder factories.
  • Wannsee Conference

    Nazis leaders approve the "Final Solution", or the plan to exterminate all the Jews.
  • Partisans

    Guerrilla groups fighting against bigger or organized army, Nazis.
  • Non Violent Resistance

    Instead of fighting, people used nonviolent forms of resistance. Prayer Groups. Music, Arts, Non compliance, Schooling.
  • Anne's Family Goes, into Hiding

    Anne's Family Goes, into Hiding
    Anne's family went into hiding because Margot was called by the SS to go to concentration camps. Along with them went the Van Dans, the family that had helped them when they first moved into Amsterdam. They decided to go into hiding behind Mr.Franks office building, where there was a secret building that could only be accessed by a secret staircase.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    Residents smuggled weapons in, people fought the Nazis, uprising lasted for about a month, SS troops arrested and deported residents after uprising ended.
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    Camp Rebellions

    In the camps people stole guns from guards and tried to escape, some made it out, most died and were captured. At Auschwitz they blew up the crematorium, killing 70, but many workers died. What do I have to lose mindset.
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    Death Marches

    Allied forces getting closer, Nazis evacuate prisoners and march them to Germany. The marches had brutal treatment and harsh conditions.
  • Liberation of Camps

    The liberation was the freeing of people in the concentration camps and death camps. Even after this happened, people still thought that they were less than them. They also had no idea what happened to their families.
  • Mr.Frank Finds Anne's Diary

    Mr.Frank after the war and concentration camps was very different than before the war. After the war he looks broken and like he had died. He also talked like a man that had given up on life, and lost it when he was back in the Annex. He found the diary on the ground, and eventually published it. It was so popular and meant things to people, as it showed what happened during the Holocaust, and what Holocaust meant in WWII.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler commits suicide rather than face capture by the Soviet Red Army. Germany surrenders within a week.