Holocaust between 1931-1945.

  • Holocaust timeline

    Holocaust timeline
    The Holocaust was a tragic event in Germany between January 1933 to May 1945.
  • Holocaust tradegy

    Holocaust tradegy
    In 1933, there was a calculated number of 9 million Jews dead.
  • Holocaust denial

    Holocaust denial
    The Holocaust is one of the best documented events in history.
  • Key events in the Holocaust

    Key events in the Holocaust
    To conceal the evidence of their annihilation of Europe's Jews, Germans and their collaborators destroy evidence of mass graves at the Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka killing centers, and at thousands of sites of mass shooting operations throughout German-occupied Poland, the German-occupied Soviet Union, and Serbia, including Babi Yar, in an operation code named Aktion 1005.
  • Holocaust event 5

    Holocaust event 5
    In a speech to SS Generals at Poznan, Heinrich Himmler, Reich Leader (Reichsführer) of the SS (Schutzstaffel; Protection Squadrons), remarks that the mass murder of the European Jews will be kept secret, never to be recorded.
  • Holocaust event 6

    Holocaust event 6
    Willis Carto founds an influential, far right group based in Washington, DC, that eventually comes to be known as the Liberty Lobby. Led by Carto until its bankruptcy in 2001, the Liberty Lobby advocates a “racially pure” United States and blames Jews for problems facing the US and the world. The Liberty Lobby begins to publish Holocaust denial literature in 1969.
  • Holocaust event 7

    Holocaust event 7
    American clergyman Gerald L. K. Smith's antisemitic publication, Cross and the Flag, claims that six million Jews were not killed during the Holocaust but immigrated to the United States during World War II.
  • Holocaust event 8

    Holocaust event 8
    Paul Rassinier, a French Communist who had been interned by the Nazis, publishes The Drama of European Jewry, in which he claims that gas chambers were an invention of a “Zionist establishment.”