Presidential election
Presidential election in Germany gives 30.1 percent of the vote to Adolf Hitler.Field Marshall Hindenburg, receives 49.6 percent. -
50 percent was required by German law for the election of a president, a re-run presidential election was held again and Hindenburg won with 53 percent of the vote. Adolf Hitler increases his popular vote to 36.8 percent -
Adolph Hitler
Hitler seizes power in Germany, Hindenburg is reduced to a figure head. -
Germany withdraws from the League of Nations -
Pro-Nazi rally
Several thousand Americans attend a pro-Nazi rally in Queens, New York -
Nuremberg Laws
In Germany, the first Nuremberg Laws are paased revoking citizenship from Jews and prohibiting them from marrying non-Jews -
Spanish Civil War begins -
Italy invades Ethiopia. In the United States, the first Neutrality Acts are passed authorizing the president to dent Americans firms the right to sell or shup munitions to belligerent nations. -
Japan and germany sign Anti-Comiterm Pact. -
The Rape of Nanjing
The systematic rape, torture, and murder of more than 300,00 Chinese civilians by Japanese soldiers. -
Germany signs military agreement with Japan -
Jews eliminated from the economy in Germany. Their assets can be seized. -
France and Britain agreement
France and Britain enact a policy of appeasement, agreeing to the German annexation of Sudenten, Czecholslovakia. -
Jewish refugee ship
The Jewish refugee ship the St. Louis arrives in Belgium after being denied access to Cuba and the United States. Most of the passengers are eventualyl murdered by the Nazis. -
Germany invasion
Germany invades Poland from the west -
Holland, Belgium, and Luxembourg are invaded by Germany. British troops enter Belgium. -
Italy declares war on Britain and France -
Over 62,000 Jews are murdered in western Russia. -
Military conscription
United States institutes extended military conscription for men ages 20-44 -
Emergency Price Control Act
In the U.S., the Emergency Price Control Act fixes price ceilings and controls rents in areas of defense production -
Vichy France
Germans enter unoccupied zone of Vichy France -
Bombing of Hamburg
The end of eight days of intensive bombing of Hamburg, Germany by the Allies. -
Soviet Union
Teheran conference between the Big Three: Churchill, FDR, and Joseph Stalin, of the Soviet Union. -
Soviet troops
Soviet troops experience success against the Germans in the Crimea. -
FDR is elected for his fourth term; Harry S Truman replaces Henry Wallace as his vice-president. -
German forces
German forces in Holland, North-West Germany, and Denmark surrender -
Atomic Bombs
Potsdam conference ends. Meanwhile, the first atomic bomb is exploded in a test at Alamorgordo, New Mexico.