
  • Mein Kampf

    Mein Kampf
    a book written by Hitler to convince the German people that the Jews caused them to lose WWI
  • Reichstag fire

    Reichstag fire
    Hitler expelled communists from Parliament due to this
  • Hitler becomes Dictator

    Hitler becomes Dictator
    Hitler becomes leader of Germany
  • Kristallnacht

    start of the Holocaust, "Night of the Broken Glass"
  • WWII starts

    WWII starts
    WW2 starts with the invasion of Poland
  • Establishment of Ghettos

    Establishment of Ghettos
    killing camps for Jews called Ghettos are established
  • Mobile Killing Units

    Mobile Killing Units
    at the start of the invasion of the USSR, Mobile Killing Units were used to kill Jews and Russians
  • The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    the ultimate answer to the Jews. The mass killing part of the Holocaust
  • Operation Reinhard

    Operation Reinhard
    The massacre of Polish Jews in Treblinka, Sobador, Belzec, Chelmo and Majdanek
  • Chelmno constructed

    Chelmno constructed
    a camp used to kill Polish Jews
  • Death Marches

    Death Marches
    when Germany was close to losing WWII, they started marches were jews would walk until they died
  • WWII ends

    WWII ends
    Germany surrenders and any surviving Jews are freed