Treaty of versailles
The outcome of WW1 was Germany needed someone to blame and some one to lead them out of depression and Hitler gave them both he blamed the Jews for the lose of the war. Germany surrenders to allies lose WW 1 and are forced to sign unfavorable treaty of Versailles. They lost land, military, pay back money -
is were the prices rise rapidly and the price of the bread 400 billion -
beerhaul putsch
a attempt to overthrow the goverment -
hitler on trial
he committed treason and used the trial to create the upriseing -
Period: to
republic goverment
Anne frank
Anne frank is born
Hitler becomes chancellor of germany
Hitler was a very presuasive man who got Germany trust even what he explain was very stupid -
night of the long knifes
he burned down the reichstag building -
Period: to
The holocaust was a big massacre were the Nazis kill 11 million people -
nurembuerg laws
a way to identify there reliogio -
Its were they burned down synagogues and threw Jews into death and concentration camps -
they threw the Jews into the dirty areas of germany -
Period: to
euthanasia program
systematically killing people deemed unworthy of life due to mental and physical illness -
The start of the war
Zyklon b
This is the gas in gas chambers -
Period: to
They went to kill all the Jews and decided to just pit them into death camps -
Anne franks family goes into hiding
The Nazis were gonna kill the Jews so the his for 2 years -
Period: to
camp rebels
Period: to
camp rebels
Liberation of concentration camps
The liberation was big but Nazis took their life the still had to get their life back together They had no family or house thet had nothing -
survivors of the concentration camps
these survivors had nothing so they put them in camps to help them on their feet. -
Period: to
nuremberg trials
Their being put on trial because they did not follow the rules of the war -
Wannsee confrence
Nazi leaders approve the final solution or plan to exterminate jews -
Warsaw ghetto uriseing
The Warsaw ghetto smuggled in guns and they started the upriseing that lased 1 mounth -
The war ends and hitler kills his self
A lot of them immigrated out of europe
They left for a new start