• Period: to

    The Holocaust

    The holocaust is defined as the systematic state sponsored killing of 6 million Jewish men. women, and children by Nazi Germany
  • Hitler is appointed chancellor

    Hitler is appointed chancellor
    Hitler climbs the ranks of power all the way to becoming the chancellor of Germany
  • The Reichstag fire

    The Reichstag fire
    The German parliament buildings are set on fire by and arsonist; the Government falsely draws the narrative that this is a communist attempt to overthrow the government.
  • The enabling acts

    The enabling acts
    the enabling acts are passed giving Hitler the authority to pass laws without the consent of German parliament.
  • The first "boycott"

    The first "boycott"
    The German government organize and follow through with a nation wide boycott of Jewish goods; although it only last around 24 hours
  • The Nuremburg laws

    The Nuremburg laws
    The Nuremburg laws which prohibit Jewish people from marrying non-Jewish people and strip Jewish people of their German citizenship are passed.
  • Buchenwald Concentration camp

    Buchenwald Concentration camp
    By the end of the war Buchenwald grows to be one of the largest concentration camps in Germany and was the death place of over 56,000 Jewish people
  • Kristallnacht or "the night of broken glass" occurs

    Kristallnacht or "the night of broken glass" occurs
    Using a Jewish child shotting a Nazi official as an excuse, the Nazi regime orchestrated an attack on jews; destroying stores, desecrating Jewish cemeteries, and killing 91 jews in the process.
  • Auschwitz is astablished

    Auschwitz is astablished
    Auschwitz was created during the final stretch of the war and was used as a labor and death camp to carry out mass killing.
  • Mass Killing

    Mass Killing
    When it became clear that Germany was not going to be on the winning side of ww2, as the Nazi regime moved through soviet territory Hitler ordered extreme mass killings; moved through Jewish communities and wiped them out completely and moved many jews into killing camps such as the chelmno killing camp. These killings would mark the beginning to Hitlers "Final Solution"
  • "The final solution"

    "The final solution"
    During the last years of the war Allied forces had closed in on concentration camps and the Germany military was collapsing; the last leg of Hitlers "Final Solution" as carried out in the form of death marches. As German forces moved the jews out of camps like Auschwitz, the jews were forced to march in subhuman conditions resulting in the death of over 50,000 jews.