
  • The treaty of versailles

    The treaty of versailles
    It was created to punish the aggresses.
  • mein kampf

    Mein Kampf is a 1925 autobiography written by Adolf Hitler. While in jail.
  • The great depression

    The Wall St stock market crash saw many factories and businesses close down. This is a turn around for the Nazi party as ‘Arbeit und Brot’ was started.
  • Adolf Hitler leader of nazy party becomes chancellor of Germany

    Hitler by 1932 had gained 230 seats and was appointed Chancellor giving him control of the Parliament.
  • Period: to

    10-11 Million people murdered

    Murdered as a result of the events leading
    up to World War
  • Dachau concentration camp opens

    Dachau was the first concentration camp built by Nazi Germany. Anyone who opposed Hitler or the Nazis were arrested and taken to concentration camps
  • Introduction of Reich citizen laws

    Only those of German blood could be a German citizen. The Jews not be in the military, vote, teach German students.
  • Sachsenhausen concentration camp opens

  • Buchenwald concentration camp opens

  • Hitler in Reichstag speech

    "if war erupts it will mean the Vernichtung (extermination) of European Jews"
  • Germans occupy Czechoslovakia

    Nazi Germany invaded and occupied the Czech provinces in violation of the Munich Pact.
  • Beginning of World War II

    Germany invades Poland, This shocked Britain and France who had both given guarantees to Poland that they would help defend them against aggression from Germany.
  • Germany occupies Hungary

    Nazis begin deporting Hungarian Jews
    By 27th June, 380,000 sent to Auschwitz
  • Evacuation of Auschwitz

    beginning of death march