Period: to
Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.
Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany. -
First official concentration camp opens in Dachau.
Establishment of Gestapo.
Hitler proclaims himself Leader and Reich Chancellor.
Anti-Jew laws enacted.
Germans march into Rhineland.
Rome-Berlin Axis created.
Kristallnacht.(Night of Broken Glass)
Germans occupy Czechoslovakia.
Beginning of WW2.
Germany invades the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France.
Auschwitz established.
France surrenders.
Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis.
Germany invades Soviet Union.
Establishment of Auschwitz 2 for extermination.
Japan attacks Pearl Harbor.
U.S. declares war on Japan and Germany.
Liquidation of Krakow Ghetto.
Germany occupies Hungary.
Liberation of camps April 8-May 7
Red Army repels Nazies. Spring-Summer.
Attempted Hitler assassination.
Revolt at Auschwitz.
Hitler commits suicide.
End of WWII