Sputnik 1
Soviet Union launches Sutnik 1. -
Explorer 1
U.S. launches Explorer 1 from Cape Canaveral in Florida. -
NASA begins
NASA is formed by Congress after the National Aeroaustics and Space Act is passed. -
Tiros 1
Tiros 1, the 1st succesful weather satellite was launched by the U.S.S.R. -
A Chimpanzee made a 18 minute flight in a mercury capsule. -
Luna 9
Luna 9 was the 1st space craft to have a soft, luna landing. The space craft landed on oceanus procellarum. -
Apollo 11
Apollo 11 launches. -
Men on Moon
Astronauts Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin & Neil Armstrong become the 1st men to walk on the moon. -
Apollo 17
Apollo 17 was the last or most recent bt the U.S. The misson took about 12 days and no one had returned from the moon since. -
Mars Explorer
Mars Exploration Rover Spirit & Opprunity launch.