
Hobbies and Leisure activities.

  • My first prize

    My first prize
    When I was in primary school I participated in a read book contest and won the first place, I was only 9 years old. My family was proud of my great achievement.
  • Birth of my first niece

    Birth of my first niece
    Being an aunt for the first time is a unique experience. My niece's birth changed my life completely.
    She was born premature, my mom and I took care of her and my sister.
  • My 15 years

    My 15 years
    The day I turned 15, my family gave me a small surprise party in my house, afterward, I received the blessing of my parents at the mass of my 15 years. Some of my friends, neighbors, and family were present. I cried when I danced the Valz with my father and my mother calmed me down. We all enjoy this beautiful event.
  • Champions!

    When I was finishing high school, my course "Sixth Accounting" was champion in the sports games of the institution in both basketball and football.
  • My graduation!

    My graduation!
    I graduated from high school, my friends and I were so happy because we had fulfilled one of our many goals. My family was there supporting me in my first goal fulfilled.
  • Life change!

    Life change!
    In order to study at the university, I had to move to another city where everything was new to me: people, customs, the environment, and even studies. It was very difficult for me to adapt to this sudden change of life.