HK History 1º EVA

  • Emperor Daoguang-China

    [The First Opium War]
    His administration struggled to resist the military and diplomatic pressure from Western powers.
    United Kingdom
  • Lin Zexu-China

    [First Opium War]
    Known for his strong anti-opium stance; he famously wrote letters to Queen Victoria demanding an end to the opium trade.Organized the confiscation and destruction of opium stocks in Guangzhou in 1839. Considered a hero in China for his efforts against opium.
  • Henry Pottinger-UK

    [The First Opium War]
    Sent as Britain’s plenipotentiary during the war.
    Negotiated the Treaty of Nanking in 1842, which ended the war and granted significant concessions to Britain.
  • Charles Cousing-Montauban-UK

    French general who commanded French troops in joint campaigns with the British
  • Charles Elliot-UK

    [The First Opium War]
    British representative in China during the early stages of the war.
    Played a central role in negotiations and led British interests in the initial conflicts.
  • Yen Mingchen-China

    [The Second Opium War]
    Governor of Guangdong during the early stages of the war
  • James Burce, 8th Earl of Elgin-UK

    [The Second Opium War]
    British representative who led military and diplomatic efforts during the war
  • Harry Smith Parkes-UK

    [The Second Opium War]
    British diplomat who played a significant role in negotiations and intelligence gathering during the war
  • Prince Gong-China

    [The Second Opium War]
    Became an advocate for modernization in China following the conflicts
  • First Opium War

    First Opium War
    Started disputes over opium trade, ending with the Treaty of Vaking, which gave UK control over Hong Kong, opened ports and gave British citizens special rights
  • Second Opium War

    Second Opium War
    Involved France and Britain, resulting in the Treaty of Tientsin and Convention of Peking, which lead to opening more ports, legalized opium trade and European privileges grew
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    Established the current borders of many African countries
  • Sino-Japanese War

    [Early Expansion: The Meiji Restoration]
    Sino-Japanese War: Japan gained control of Taiwan and asserted influence over Korea
  • The Treaty of Paris

    [The Spanish-American War]
    1)Peace Negotiations ended the war formally
    2)Territorial Transfers: Spain ceded Cuba, Puerto Rico and Guam to the USA
    3) Financial Compensation: The USA paid Spain $20 million for the Philippines
  • The USS Maine Incident

    1)Sinking of the USS Maine: The explosion of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor sparked outrage and fueled calls for war
    2)Investigatoin and Blame: The incident was attributed to Spain, solidifying public support for war
  • Battle of Manila Bay

    [The Spanish-American War]
    Commodore Dewey0s decisive victory over the Spanish fleet in the Philippines
  • San Juan Hill

    [The Spanish-American War]
    Rough Riders, led by Theodore Roosevelt, captured the hill in Cuba, showcasing American bravery
  • Battle of Santiago de Cuba

    [The Spanish-American War]
    The American Navy destroyed the Spanish fleet, securing control of Cuba
  • Russo-Japanese War

    [Earrly Expansion: The Meiji Restoration]
    Japan secured control over Manchuria and the Liaodong Peninsula, further strengthening its position in East Asia
  • Annexation of Korea

    [Early Expansion: The Meiji Restoration]
    Korea became a Japanese colony, integrating it into the Japanese empire
  • Colonialism

    Africa was distribute between Spain, Italy, France, UK, Germany, Portugal and Belgian
  • Manchurian Incident

    [Imperial Expansion and WW2]
    Japan invaded Manchuria and established the puppet state of Manchukuo
  • Second Sino-Japanese War

    [Imperial Expansion and WW2]
    Japan launched a full-scale invasion of China, marking a turning point in the conflict
  • Pacific Expansion (WW2)

    [Imperial Expansion and WW2]
    Japan expanded its territory to include much of Southeast Asia and the Pacific , leading to its involvement in WW2
  • Japanese Expansion During World War I

    Japan seized control of German-held terrotories in East Asia, including the Shandong Peninsula and island in the Pacific.
    Twenty-One Demands: Japan's demands for greater control over China fueled tension between the two nations