Hitlers Secret

  • Dunkirk france

    otto runs on the beaches of dunkirk france to escape heavy german fire
  • london england

    leni is a driver of a medical truck that transports boold to hospitals
  • Period: to

    Hitlers secret

  • facts

    Hitler gives orders to expan auschwits prison camp
  • facts

    worst bombing of london that year
  • facts

    greenland is occupied by america
  • the meeting

    winston churchill meets with mac pherson to talk about a secret mision
  • that old guy

    they get a ride from an old man
  • there off

    otto and leni are straped in the bomb bay (wich is unusal) and are ready to jump behind enemy lines
  • get that kid

    leni breaks in to the covent to get angelika and comes back an hour later with her
  • munich

    they arive at there next stop
  • oh no

    the nazis find that the littel girl is missing
  • there in

    she breaks in to the covenet
  • finally

    they arive
  • facts

    RAF bomb major german cities
  • facts

    pearl harbor