230px bundesarchiv bild 183 s33882, adolf hitler retouched

Hitlers Lighting war

  • German advances

    German advances
    Map of German advances from 1939-1941
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Germany launches surpise "Blitzkrieg" attack on Poland, German tanks and troops crossed the boarder while Germany artilary and aircraft Bomb polands capital, Warsaw.
  • Hitler Invades Denmark

    Hitler Invades Denmark
    Hitler launches suprise invasion into Denmark and Denmark falls four hours later.
  • Hitler invades Norway

    Hitler invades Norway
    Hitler invades and conquers Norway
  • Rescue at Dunkirk

    Rescue at Dunkirk
    Great Britain sent a fleet of over 850 ships to rescue a briitish army that have been outgunned, outnumbered and bombed by the Germans.along with the 850 ships the Royal Navy and civilians helped get the 338,000 soldiers to safety, sailing back and forth while getting bombed by German planes.
  • Luftwaffe (German's airforce) bombs Freat Britain

    Luftwaffe (German's airforce) bombs Freat Britain
    Germans first target airfields and aircraft factories but on September 7 1940 Germans targetted cities to break British Morale but despite the loss British neer wavered
  • Germany takes France

    Germany takes France
    after Germans took Paris on June 14, French leaders accept the inevidable and surrender to Germany. Germany left the southern part of France to a puppet governemnt headed by Marshal Philippe Petain a french hero. Charles de Gaulle (french general) used all his energy to reconquer france and in a radio broadcast from London he encouraged French people to retake their country.
  • Hitler gets ready to attack Soviet Union

    Hitler gets ready to attack Soviet Union
    (early 1941) Hitler convinced Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary to join the Axis by threating them with force. Hitler invaded Yugoslavia and Greece when they resisted; both fell within three weeks of the beginning of their invasion. Hitler wanted these countries to set up his troops to attack the Soviet Union.
  • British fight off Italians

    British fight off Italians
    The Italians are fighting for British-controlled Egypt and for a while there was a stale-mate. But the British then attacked the Italians, going over 500 miles acroll North Africa and taking 130,000 Italian prisioners. Because the Italian army was lead by one of Hitlers partners, Hitler had to come and save his partner who gave him a crack tank force that pushed the british back
  • Hitler gives up bombing Britian

    Hitler gives up bombing Britian
    Hitler, stunned by the resistance of the British called off the bombings and focused on the Mediterranean dn Eastern Europe instead. This was the first time Hitler had really been defeated by the allies
  • Germany invades Soviet Union

    Germany invades Soviet Union
    German tanks and aircraft annpuced the beginning of invasion. The soviets were not prepared for this attack, even though they had the biggest army in the world they were not trained or equiped.
  • Leningrad under seige

    Leningrad under seige
    Germany attacked leningrad and by November the city was cut off from the rest of the Soviet Union, to force surrender Hitler let the city of 2.5 million people star and bombed food storages. One million people died in 1941-1942 byt the city refused to fall.
  • Germans on outskirts of Moscow

    Germans on outskirts of Moscow
    Germans have reached Moscow but because they are dressed in summer clothing they were easily fought off by the Russians who were better prepared and then the Germans retreated, Germans retreat about 125 miles away from Moscow to fend off any Russians .
  • Germany retreats from Moscow

    Germany retreats from Moscow
    500,000 German soldiers died and Hitler doesn't gain anything from advancing into the Soviet Union