Prague 1939 occupation

Hitler's Annexation of Czechoslovakia

  • Germany's Anschluss with Austria

    Germany's Anschluss with Austria
    Nazi Germany helped support the Austrian Nazi party in its bid to seize power from their Austrofascist leadership. Kurt Schuschnigg who was Austira's chancellor tried to hold a eferenum for the vote. The Wehrmacht troops entered Austria to enforce the Ansschluss
  • The Munich Pact

    The Munich Pact
    Germany, Italy, France, and great Britain singed the Munich Pact in germany. Hitler wanted the secession of the Sudetanland to Germany. France and britain accepted Hilter's demands to prevent further conforntations.
  • Germany's Annexation of the Sudetenland

    Germany's Annexation of the Sudetenland
    The northern ,southwest, and western regions of Czechoslovakia are inhabited by ethnic germans. Hitler wanted these germans to help add to his power and army, and at the same time he wanted to weaken Czechoslovakia.
  • Hitler's Annexation of Czechoslovakia

    Hitler's Annexation of Czechoslovakia
    The annexation of Czechoslovakia began with the northern and western parts of Czechoslovakia. Hitler wanted the Sudetenland into Nazi Germany and he wanted to leave the rest of Czechoslovakia weak.
  • The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

    The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
    A pact signed by the soviet Union and Nazi Germany which said each side promised not to attack the other. This pact gave Germany the right to attack Poland in September 1939.
  • Germany's Invasion of Poland

    Germany's Invasion of Poland
    This invasion marked the beginning of WWII in Europe. German troops invaded from everyside except the East.
  • The Phony War

    The Phony War
    The term phony war refers to what happened to Western Europe in late 1939 and in early 1940. For example the public of Britain thought nothing was going on but things in the war were actually happening, just not in Western Europe
  • The Miracle at Dunkirk

    The Miracle at Dunkirk
    There were less German soliders in Northern France so it was possible for the Allies to rescue men. On May 29 the German army stoped its advance into Dunkirk. In total 338,226 troos were saved.
  • The Fall of France

    It began on May 10, 1940 which ended the phony war because this was actually happening. By June 22, it was over and the Franco German armistice was signed at Rethondes. France was divided into two zones.
  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    This was fought by air forces only. This was Germany;s major defeat and was a turning point in WWII because they failed to destroy Britain's air defences.