
Hitler's Undoing of the Treaty of Versailles

  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor
    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany. This means that he is the head of German government.
  • German Rearmament

    German Rearmament
    Hitler officially announces that he is rebuilding the army. He introduces conscription. German army is increased from 100,000 to 550,000 troops. Britain appeases Germany partly by allowing them to build a navy a third of the size of Britain's. This agreement breaks an agreement from the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Retaking of the Rhineland

    Retaking of the Rhineland
    The Rhineland is an area on the boarder of France and Germany. It was decided that this area was a demilitarized zone after WWI. Hitler invaded the area even though it could have led to war with France. France would not take any action without British support. Britain said it was Germany's "own backyard".
  • Anschluss (Unification)

    Anschluss (Unification)
    Hitler wanted to reunite all German speaking countries back with Germany. Hitler sent troops to Austria for a peaceful takeover, uniting of Austria and Germany. He was met with a parade in Austria. France did protest this but they did not take any action.
  • Sudetenland

    Hitler took over Sudetenland which was a German-speaking part of Czechoslovakia. The Czechs resisted. France, Soviet Union, and Britain all threatened to fight. In the end, France and Britain gave into Hitler's demands to avoid war.
  • Division of Czechoslovakia

    Division of Czechoslovakia
    Hitler sent his forces into Czechoslovakia and divided it. Slovakia fell under German control, and Czech was a German colony.