Hitler declares German War
Hitler meets with top military advisors in secrecy. He declares to grow and prosper. Germany was to obsorb Austria and Czechoslavakai into the Third Reich. -
Germany troops invade Austria
German troops invade Austria. A day later Germany announced its "Anschluss" was complete. The U.S. and everyone else had no reaction.Czechoslavkia was next. But both France and Great Britain promised protection. Hitler meets with French Premier Eddouard Daladier and Neville Chamberlin,British prime Minister. He claimed this would be the "last territorial demand" In hopes to avoid war, they beileved him. -
Munich Agreement was signed
Premier Edoudrd Daladier and Neville Chamberlain, British prime minister both signeed the Munich Agreement, which turned Sudeteland over to Germany with no shots fired. This moved Winston Churchill to beileve signing the Munich Agreement had adopted a shameful policy of appeasement, giving up principle to pacify a aggresor. It was a choice betweeen war or dishonor. -
German troops invade Czechoslovakia
German troops poured into Czechoslovakia ceased to exist and then Germany's focous moved to Poland.March 15, 1939, during a meeting with Czech President Emil Hacha and Hitler threatened a bombing raid against Prague, the Czech capital, unless he obtained from Hacha free passage for German troops into Czech borders. He got it. That same day, German troops poured into Bohemia and Moravia. The two provinces offered no resistance, and they were quickly taken over. -
Hitler invades Poland
Hitler charges troops into Poland and plans an attack that would most likely provoke declaration of war from France and Britain. Stalin signed the non-aggrestion pact with Hitler.The morning after the Gleiwitz incident, German forces invaded Poland from the north, south, and west. As the Germans advanced, Polish forces withdrew from their forward bases of operation close to the Polish and German border. -
Germany and Russia ally
The fascit Germany and communist Russia now commited never to attack each other. Czechoslovakia, suddenly snapped to life when Poland became threatened. He made it plain that Britain would be obliged to come to the aid of Poland in the event of German invasion. But he wanted, and needed, an ally. The only power large enough to stop Hitler was the Soviet Union. -
Hitler invades Denmark and Norway
Hitler launched a surprise invasion in Denmark and Norway in order to protect those countrie's freedom and independence.German forces were able to slip through the mines Britain had laid around Norwegian ports because local garrisons were ordered to allow the Germans to land unopposed. The order came from a Norwegian commander loyal to Norway's pro-fascist former foreign minister Vidkun Quisling. -
Hitler Surrenders
Compienge and William Shires and the rest of the world watch Hitler hand French officers his terms of surrender.The Armistice is signed on June 22. Under its terms, two thirds of France is to be occupied by the Germans. The French army is to be disbanded. In addition, France must bear the cost of the German invasion. -
German planes range Britain
What Goring and the German Luftwaffe wanted to do, was seriously disrupted by the weather. Hoping that the weather would clear enough for his bomber formations to commence operations on the 14th, was again doomed to failure, The weather was almost the same of the day previous but with this uncertainty prevailing, It was impossible to launch any full scale operation with the magnitude that Goring hoped for. The day continued with just spasmodic attacks, nothing that was too big.France surrrendors -
Germany is shot down
The RAF shoots down over 185 German planes at the same time they only lost 26 aircrafts.The Luftwaffe launched its largest and most concentrated attack against London in the hope of drawing out the RAF into a battle of annihilation. Around 1,500 aircraft took part in the air battles which lasted until dusk.