Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini

  • Treaty of Versailles

    The treaty goes into effect in 1920 and sends the Weimar Republic into an economic crisis.
  • Lenin's New Economic Policy

    This policy brought some prosperity to farmers; however, it did nothing for industrialization.
  • The Gosplan in founded in the Soviet Union.

    The Central State Planning Commission was essentially the center of all Soviet economic activity. It would later help carry out parts of Stalin's Five Year Plan.
  • Mussolini gains control of Italy.

    Ain't no party like the Fascist Party because the Fascist Party is the only political party allowed in this dictatorship.
  • The Communist Party is the only political party allowed in the USSR.

    Stalin outlaws all other political parties, thereby cementing the central power of the Communist Party.
  • Hitler writes Mein Kampf while imprisoned for an attempted coup d'etat.

    This work outlines the beliefs that would later guide Hitler's actions as dictator.
  • Lenin dies.

    A power struggle ensues. Joseph Stalin comes out of it as the new leader.
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    The First Five Year Plan

    The Five Year Plan was a set of economic goals for the Soviet Union. These goals helped force the country to industrialize.
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    "Socialism in one country"

    Stalin's focus was on internal development; all foreign policy was in support of that goal. He ignored the threat of Germany and Italy until Germany attacked, throwing the Soviet Union into the war.
  • The Enabling Act of 1933 is passed.

    This allows Hitler to pass laws without permission from the Reichstag.
  • Hitler elected as chancellor of Germany.

  • Mussolini attacks Ethiopia.

    An attempt to make up for not gaining this land during the 1890s. Nationalism!!!
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    The Great Purge

    Stalin persecuted many people, including the kulaks (wealthy peasants).
  • Germany and the Soviet Union sign a pact of non-aggression.

    It does not last long.