Hitler's Rise To Power

By Joey5th
  • Hitler appointed to chancellor of Germany

    Hitler appointed to chancellor of Germany
    Hitler became chancellor and quickly started dismantling the German government from the inside.
  • Germany takes Austria

    Germany takes Austria
    German forces march into Austria unopposed and take the country as their own.
  • The Munich aggreement

    The Munich aggreement
    an agreement was signed that allowed for Germany to annex Sudeten land without a single shot being fired.
  • The crystal night

    The crystal night
    On this night the windows of Jewish homes and shops were broken along with the destruction of synagogues and anything else related to Judaism.
  • Hitler takes Czechoslovakia

    Hitler takes Czechoslovakia
    Hitler's forces march into what remains of Czechoslovakia from the are they just acquired within it from the Munich agreement.
  • German and Soviet non-aggression pact signed

    German and Soviet non-aggression pact signed
    The soviet union declares neutrality and signs a non-aggression pact with Germany. Germany then uses a new type of fighting style Blitzkrieg or lightning war that is just a lot of fast repetitive attacks.
  • Germany occupies Denmark

    Germany occupies Denmark
    Germany occupies Denmark adding to its ever growing forces.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    The German invasion of Russia that puts an end to their peace treaty.
  • The battle of Stalingrad

     The battle of Stalingrad
    Germany surrenders in this battle even when told to stand and fight, this marks when the war's tides start to turn.
  • Death of a Dictator

    Death of a Dictator
    Hitler and his wife commit suicide and their bodies were doused in gasoline and burnt to ash.