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Hitler's Rise in power and other events

  • Hitler joins the Nazi party

    Hitler joins the Nazi party
    Hitler becomes part of the party, the Nazis. In which they try to
    run for government. The party came to power in 1933. And thats where all the history making moments began
  • The Beer Hall Putsch

    The Beer Hall Putsch
    Hitler and the Nazi party led a coalition group in attempt to get rid off all the government powers. This event was then called, the 'Beer Hall Putsch'
  • Hitler is Convicted of Treason

    Hitler is Convicted of Treason
    Hitler was held up by the eternal court for being guilty, for trying to overthrow the government. He was then sent to jail fro 6 months.
  • Germany joins the League of Nations

    Germany joins the League of Nations
    Germany was admitted to The League of Nations with a seat in the council.
  • Hitler is appointed Chancellor

    Hitler is appointed Chancellor
    President Paul von Hindenburg.appoints Hitler the new leader of flüer NSGW party. Or in other words, Chancellor.
  • Germany invades Austria

    Germany invades Austria
    Germany invaded Austria because the Austrian government would not unite with Germany. Britains reaction to this were that they would not help out, and they were not interested at all
  • Germany invades Sudetenland

    Germany invades Sudetenland
    The reason for Germany invading Sudetenland was because Germany wanted to slowly take over the world. Britains reaction was that they warned Germany, and threatened to commence war.
  • Germany invades Czechoslovakia

    Germany invades Czechoslovakia
    Germany invaded Czechoslovakia because Germany wanted to prevent their own imperial aims. Englands reactions were shocked, and that they now knew that Germany would not listen to their warnings
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Germany invaded because Hitler claimed that overusing Poland would be a 'defensive' action, and that Poland would provide more land fro the germans. Englands reactions were that they decided to help out and defend Poland from the German invasion.