Prod adolf hitler

Hitler's Lightning War

By Makan
  • Hitler and Stalin sign a non-aggression pact

    Hitler and Stalin sign a non-aggression pact
    Hitler and Stalin signed a pact where Hitler promised the USSR that they would receive land, they also secretly agreed to invade Poland, then split it. The pact also stated the USSR could take the countries Finland, the Baltic countries of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.
  • Hitler Invades Poland

    Hitler Invades Poland
    German artillery and aircrafts bombarded Warsaw, reinforced by tanks and infantry. After his victory, Hitler annexed the Western half of Poland, where most Germans resided.
  • Britain and France Declare War on Germany

    Britain and France Declare War on Germany
    Germany was declared war upon by France and Britain for attacking Poland.
  • Hitler Invades Denmark and Norway

    Hitler Invades Denmark and Norway
    Hitler launched a surprise attack on Denmark and Norway. Four hours after the attack Denmark fell, followed by Norway two months later.
  • France surrenders

    France surrenders
    Germans had taken over Northern France, leaving the South to a puppet government.
  • German Luftwaffe begins bombing British cities

    German Luftwaffe begins bombing British cities
    German bombardment shifted from airfield and aircraft carriers to British cities in order to break the British morale.
  • Italy moves to seize Egypt and Suez Canal

    Italy moves to seize Egypt and Suez Canal
    Mussolini, knowing that the Suez canal was about to fall due to the Nazis decided to make advances.
  • Hitler Invades the Soviet Union

    Hitler Invades the Soviet Union
    Hitler had pushed many inhabitants to Leningrad, where he starved his enemies by destroying all of their food supplies. He then turned to Moscow, where he decided to advance in cold weather which costed him 500,000 German lives.
  • Hitler sends Rommel to help Italian troops seize Egypt and the Suez Canal

    Hitler sends Rommel to help Italian troops seize Egypt and the Suez Canal
    Erwin Rommel had pushed the British back to Tobruk, however, Rommel got pushed to where he had started. Rommel then regrouped, and fought back, gaining a major victory.