Hitler Meets with Military Advisers
Hitler meets with his top military advisers in secrecy and declared that to grow and prosper, Germany needed the land of its neighbors. -
Period: to
German propoganda states that German Slavs are being abused. -
Germany Invades Austria
German troops marched into Austria unopposed. The following day Germany anounced that its union with Austria was complete. -
Germany Gains Control of Sudetenlend
The French premier Edouard Daladier and the British prime minister signed the Munich Agreement, which turned Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia over to Germany -
Germany Invades Czechoslovakia
German troops pour into what was left of the endCzechoslovakia. By nightfall, hitler had gloated, "Czechoslovakia has ceased to exist." -
Russia and Germany Reach an Agreement
After signing the Non-Agression Act, fascist Germany and communist Russia sign a secret agreement to divide Poland between them. -
Blitzkrieg in Poland
The German air-force rained bombs over military bases, air fields, and camps in Poland. With faster tanks and more powerfull aircrafts, Germany's forces quickly spread across Poland in what the Germans called a Blitzkrieg. -
France Declares War
Two days after the Blitzkrieg in Poland, Britain and France declare war on Germany. -
Finland Surrenders
Stalin sent his army into Finland. After three months, The outnumbered Finish poeple surrendered. -
Surpise Attack
Hitler launched a surprise invasion of Denmark and Norway.