
Hitler and the Road to the second World War timeline

  • Hitler becomes Chancellor oof Germany

    Hitler becomes Chancellor oof Germany
    Germans had given sinificant support to a leader who offered reanarment and opposition to the Treaty of Versailles, and whose writings included a call for territotorial expansion in the east to create new racial empire.
  • Hitler leaves the League of Nations

    Hitler leaves the League of Nations
    Manye Germans associated the League with the despised Treaty of Versailles and admired Hitler's Independent stance
  • The SAAR region votes to rejoin Germany

    The SAAR region votes to rejoin Germany
    A show of support for the Nazi Regime
  • Italy invades Euthopia

    Italy invades Euthopia
    Ethopia appleaed to the League of Nations. Germany benefited fom the dividion between Italy and Britain and France
  • Germany remilitarises the Rhineland

    Germany remilitarises the Rhineland
    This was without negotiations and in violation of the treay of Versailes. Hitler saw it as a major gamble and won. Rearmament Increased.
  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    Rome-Berlin Axis
    A limited treaty of friendship between Italy and Germany given maximum publicity; also both countries gave aid to a right wing military revolt in Spain against the Republiclan Goverment
  • Anglo-German Naval Pact

    Anglo-German Naval Pact
    Hitler benefited from a British attempt to control German naval expansion.
  • Chamberlain and Hitler meet at Berchtesgaden

    Chamberlain and Hitler meet at Berchtesgaden
    Hitler had made threatening speeches but lost the initiative to Chamberlain, who flew to see at Berchtesagaden. Hiler agreed to a deal, succesfully manipulating Britain into taking the lead in satisfying German grievances
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    Hitler gained his stayed objective and German rearmament continued
  • Germany occupies Memel in Lithuania and there are demands for the polish corridor.

    Germany occupies Memel in Lithuania and there are demands for the polish corridor.
    Once German forces were commited in poland there was no real possibility of a Munich-Type settlement. The USSR non-agression pact oferred the chance to amass forces againts Poland. The planning of the invasion included death squads and the racial war in the east began. There was no significant action by either on the Wester Front.