WW2 Time line

  • Hitler comes to power in Germany.

    Hitler comes to power in Germany.
  • France and Great Britain declare war on Germany.

    France and Great Britain declare war on Germany.
  • Canada declares war on Germany

    Canada declares war on Germany
    Canada declares war on week later to France and Great Britain
  • Germany invades Denmark and Norway.

    Germany invades Denmark and Norway.
  • Germany invades France

    Germany invades France
  • France surrenders to Germany

    France surrenders to Germany
  • Battle of Britain begins

    Battle of Britain begins
  • Battle of Britain ends

    Battle of Britain ends
    The Battle of Britain ends with the allies on the winning side
  • Soviets stop the German advance into Russia.

    Soviets stop the German advance into Russia.
  • Japan bombs Pearl Harbor in the U.S.

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor in the U.S.
    Japan declares war on U.S.
  • Japanese Canadians on the west coast are evacuated to camps

    Japanese Canadians on the west coast are evacuated to camps
  • Canadian troops play an important role in the Dieppe raid in France. Many Allied

    Canadian troops play an important role in the Dieppe raid in France. Many Allied
  • D-Day: Allied landings on the coast of France begin at Normandy. Allies gain a foothold in Europe

    D-Day: Allied landings on the coast of France begin at Normandy. Allies gain a foothold in Europe
  • V-E Day: Victory in Europe for the Allies

    V-E Day: Victory in Europe for the Allies
    Now Allied forces focus on defeating Japan, with the U.S. in the forefront of this attack.
  • United States drops the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima

    United States drops the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima
  • a second atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki.

    a second atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki.
  • Japan surrenders.

    Japan surrenders.
  • World War II is officially over.

    World War II is officially over.