Hilter's Arrival
In 1933, Adolf Hitler rose to German Power. This was the start of Jewish Persecution. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler] -
Jewish Restriction Laws
In 1935, Multiple movements and laws were passed restricting Jewish employment and stature. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_Laws] -
Germany's Gestapo
On this day the destructive Gestapo unit was placed in a rank above the law. [https://mholloway63.wordpress.com/2015/04/08/world-war-ii-from-atozchallenge-g-is-for-gestapo/] -
Night of the Broken Glass
Also known as Kristallnacht, was the time when mass violence broke out against Jews across the country. In a little under two days, over 250 synagogues and 7,000 Jewish businesses were destroyed. Dozens of people were murdered. Schools, Hospitals, and homes were trashed and robbed on the same night. With all the Destruction came the chilling name, The Night of the Broken Glass. [http://www.lamoth.org/visitor-information/guide-to-the-museum/museum-panels/room-2-rise-of-nazism/kristallnacht/] -
Originally the Holocaust was a result of "ethnic cleansing" and was not always a violent movement. However, in 1941 the movement turned into a mass genocide of over six million Jewish people. [https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/a-timeline-of-the-holocaust/] -
The Beginning of Auschwitz
The first camp, also known as Auschwitz 1, was brought into creation in this day in history. In the front of the camp, a large sign is placed stating "Arbeit Macht Frei", or work makes one free. Primarily, Auschwitz was a concentration camp but soon turned into the largest death camp throughout the Holocaust. [http://www.documentarytube.com/articles/secrets-of-auschwitz-what-you-don-t-know-about-the-infamous-death-camp] -
Polish Ghettos
Soon after Germany invaded Polish lands in 1939, over 2 million more Jews came under the control of the Nazis. These Jews, along with others from European countries, came to live in small communities known as ghettos. The largest ghetto was Warsaw, the Polish Capitol. Almost Half a million Jews were contained in this ghetto alone. [https://www.jpost.com/Diaspora/Warsaw-Ghetto-heroine-dies-488781] -
"Euthanasia" Killings
When public protests arise, Hitler responded by the order of a coordinated mass murder of the disabled. [https://www.ushmm.org/learn/timeline-of-events/1939-1941/euthanasia-killings-continue] -
Dutch Deportation
Shortly after Germany overtook the Netherlands, a long grueling process of deportation of Dutch Jews to concentration camps in Germany or in German-occupied Poland [http://www.holocaustresearchproject.org/nazioccupation/holland/netherdeports.html] -
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
On the eve of the Jewish Passover, SS police units entered the ghetto in the morning. Nearly all of the residents went into hiding in fear of deportation to Jewish death camps. This same fear sparked an uprising that lasted for almost two months. [https://www.theepochtimes.com/the-warsaw-uprising-and-polands-battle-with-communism_2273246.html] -
Auschwitz Revolt
After a group of Auschwitz residents on their way to a Crematorium found out the reason they were headed in that direction, they revolted. For months Jewish women smuggled gunpowder to use in a rebellion. Women like Roza Robota passed the smuggled gunpowder to her group known as "Sonderkommando". These members on October 7th, 1944 fought back. The revolt was unsuccessful and all five women who were involved were killed.
[https://www.ushmm.org/research/the-center-for-advanced-holocaust-studies] -
Auschwitz Death Counts
In 1945, The Soviet Union took over and saved the remaining prisoners. Though this would be an overall relief from the movement, the overall toll will forever be remembered. In Auschwitz alone, Nearly one million Jews, 74,000 Poles, 21,000 Gypsies, and 15,000 prisoners of war were brutally murdered in the camp. [http://poznamka.com/poland/auschwitz-ii-birkenau-concentration-camp] -
The End of Hitler
Hitler commits suicide in his own bunker. [http://www.nybooks.com/articles/2015/09/24/hitlers-world/] -
German Surrender
German forces surrender to the Allied forces unconditionally. This event was one of the main ends of the Holocaust and World War II. [https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/07/germany-surrenders-allies-date-nazis-wwii_n_3230901.html] -
Sources 2
(United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. "The 'Night of Broken Glass'." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. n.d. Web. 1 May 2018. https://www.ushmm.org/outreach/en/article.php?ModuleId=10007697) -
("Holocaust." Gale Student Resources in Context, Gale, 2017. Student Resources In Context, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/ZAAWHE361063946/SUIC?u=clou20020&sid=SUIC&xid=00c8c460. ) ("Auschwitz." Gale Student Resources in Context, Gale, 2016. Student Resources In Context, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/EJ2181500254/SUIC?u=clou20020&sid=SUIC&xid=12d48fd1)