Crematoriums were first invented. Nazi's used crematoriums to burn mostly Jews after they were killed, sometimes even before. -
Germany surrendered in World War 1. They became unstable. -
Mein Kampf
HItler's book Mein Kampf came out. It was a book on Hitler's "perfect human race" standards. -
Hitler's Reign
Hitler became chancellor. He was Germany's only hope after World War 1. -
Hindenburg died at eighty six years old. Lung Cancer was the cause of death. -
First Lebensborn
The first Lebensborn center opened. Lebensborn centers were for German pregnant women and children. -
Poland Invasion
Germany invaded Poland. This is what started World War two. -
Begining of Someone Named Eva
Nazi's had occupied Lidice, Czechoslovakia. The food was being rationed. Young Milada was looking forward to her birthday. -
Hostage in Gym
Milada's family was split up and the women and children got taken to the gym. The Nazi's performed unusual tests on the children. -
Lebensborn Center
Milada was taken to the Lebensborn center with other Aryan Race girls (blonde hair, blue eyes). She was renamed Eva. She would stay at the camp for a couple more years. -
Foster Child
Eva was taken in by a German Nazi family. She then had one sister her age, one younger brother, a high ranking Nazi official father, and a kind mother. -
New Life
Eva and Elsbeth (Eva's new sister) were homeschooled by their Mutter (mother). Peter was allowed to go to normal school. -
Eva was officially adopted by the Nazi family. She had taken off the pin from her grandmother that day. -
Hitler died, so Mutter, Elsbeth and Eva finally get out of the safe shelter. They start restoring the house. -
The war had ended, and members of the Red Cross took Milada to meet her mother. Sadly, Jaro, and Milada's father had died, the Red Cross was still looking for Anechka. At least Milada was reunited with her mother. -
The End
World War Two ended. The Jews were free, and people were releived.