History year 1

By Elydy
  • Period: to

    First Sino-Japanese war

    Japan victory.
    Positioned Japan as a world power/empire.
  • Anglo-Japanese alliance

    Replaces with 9-power treaty (1922)
    Brought Japan into WW1.
    Protect trade (w/ China).
    Ended diplomatic isolation.
  • Period: to

    Russo-Japanese war

    Japan victory.
    Ends with the treaty of Portsmouth.
    Was fought over Manchuria and Korea .
  • Japan annexes Korea

  • China’s Manchu dynasty fell

  • Period: to

    World war 1

  • Bolshevik revolution (Russia)

    Russia left ww1
  • Treaty of Versailles (Japan war gains)

    Gains territory from China.
  • Japanese communist party was created

  • Washington conference

  • CCP (communism) was an official party

  • United front created

    CCP and GMD (KMT)
    Launched northern expedition to stop warlords
  • Nine-power treaty

    Belgium, China, France, UK, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Portugal, and the USA
  • Civil war in China

    Between CCP and GMD (KMT)
    Used power to fight communism, and not the Japanese
  • Zhang Zuolin assassinated

    Chinese warlord who ruled Manchuria
  • The Manchurian crisis

  • Manchurian railway exploded

    Blown up by Japanese
  • The Manchuria crisis

    Caused Japan to leave LoN
  • The Lytton commission

    Was meant to investigate the Mukden incident.
  • Lytton commission report

    Determined the invasion of Manchuria was not a result of wanting to protect Manchurians from the Chinese government
  • Manchukuo is created

    Japanese puppet state
  • LoN condemns Japan

  • Japan leaves LoN

    After Lytton report, and being condemned by LoN members
    Japan suffers no consequences from departure
  • Tanggu truce

    China said that Manchuria and Jehol was under Japanese control, and they would stop fighting for them back.
  • Japan/Nazi Germany pact

    Anti-Comintern pact (anti communism)
  • Pearl harbour