Invasion of Poland
Hitler invades Poland because he thought it was wronge that it was taken away from him in the Treaty Of Versailles -
The in vasion of Holand and Belgium
Inorder to take France Hitler invaded Holand and Belgium sucsessfully. -
Hitler takes France
Hitler sucsessfully takes France and pushes british and other troops all the way back to Dunkirk. -
Operation Dynamo
this operation was one of the most sucsessful in british history. This is because 300,000 men were at risk of being killed.Boats from all over Britan came to help rescue the trapped soilders. -
Battle of Britian
After Dunkirk Hitler only had Britain to defeat. So in order to do this he sent out his airforce to destroy airports, towns, radar stations and factories. The RAF had less planes then the germans but the Germans could only fly for 30 mins over England before they had to head back to be refuled. The British soon realised they had to take out the bobmers and not the fighter planes. When they did this the RAF started to regain power over the skys. -
War for Africa
The WAr for Africa was a very un disisive war against Germany and Britian. Germany wanted to controll the whole of the medateranian. To help with thios he brought in Austria this meant that britan wher pushed back so Britain know needed help to do this they brought in America and this meant that with the help of America they pushed Germany all the way out of Africa. -
The Battle of the Atlantic
Germany realised that in order to win against an Island they would have to cut off their supplies the main route for Britains suppleies was through the Atlantic sea. Germany there for needed boats and planes for this but they also had U-Boats which where submarines that shot missiels and blew up enemy boats. There most sucsessfull year was 1942 But after that it all went down hiil because Britain and America had developed new and safer ways of getting across -
Operation Barbarossa
This was the biggest attack on Russia in the whole of the war. Germany wanted to wipe out Russia so he set up 3 divisions the North, the Center and the South. They both reached their frst towns but the Russians had slowed the down and tis wa swhat saved Russia. The Germans had run over their time limit and in came the Russian Winter Snow and cold the Germans where not prepared for such wether and they where forced to retriet. -
Pearl Harbour
On the early morning of the 7th Japan struck Hawaii with a 183 wave of pure distruction of planes they bombed non stop with dive bombers and bombers leaving the once calm harbour to a caotic American nightmare. After 2 hours 2300 men where dead. -
USA and Bitian declear war on Japan
Germany Declears war on USA the war is know a World War
D day was the finall push for the allies. the allies attacked the Normandy beaches and worked there way through the German defences all the way untill they reached the Capital and even further to Hitlers Headquarters. -
The dropping of the Atomic Bombs
The war was over thought everyone but America still wanted revenge after pearl Harbour. There plan was to drop the first ever Atomic bomb on Hiroshima. It was a distructive wepon wich instantly killed any one in one kilometer of it. After a few minuets 70,00 people died and 70,000 out of the 78,000 buildings where destroyed in seconds. -
The dropping of the 2nd atomic Bomb
Just three days later America dropped another bomb on Nagasaki which killed about 36,000 people -
Japan surrendered
After the atomic bombs Japan surrendered and finally the world war was over!