Dutch cabinet and royal family flee to London
Germany conquered the Netherlands
Atlantic Wall
Germany begins building defenses along the Atlantic coastline from France to Denmark. Many Dutch homes are destroyed and thousands of Dutch citizens are forced to relocate in the process. -
February strike (start)
The Jews were regularly attacked by NSB members (in Amsterdam) so they fought back, and a member of the NSB was killed. -
February strike (end)
The Germans arrested 400 jews in razzias. Out protest,large numbers of workers in amsterdam and the surrounding towns went on strike. The Germans retailed with brutal force and nine people were killed. After the february strike, 3 of the strikers who had been arrested were executed,together with 15 members of resistance cell that had just be rounded up. They were the first Resistance members to become Nazi victims. -
Dutch people had to hand in their radios
There was an attack on SS leader Hans Rauter(failed)
because he killed innocent dutch civilians. He survived, but 661 men and boys from Putten were transported to concentration camps; 540 of them were killed. -
Period: to
Hunger Winter
In response to a railroad strike ordered by the Dutch government in exile, Germany
cuts off all food and fuel supplies to the western provinces of the Netherlands. 4.5 million people are
left without supplies: approximately 18,000 Dutch citizens starve, while thousands of others suffer
from malnutrition, disease, and exposure. -
Mad Tuesday
Prime minister Gerbrandy said on Radio Orange that they already crossed the Dutch border. His words caused ´´Mad Tuesday.´´ Many Dutch people brought out their flags and orange banners. The members of the NSB fled to Germany in large numbers. -
First Dutch cities are liberated by the Allies
Maastricht, Gulpen, Meerssen -
All of the Netherlands is liberated from German occupation.