History - World War 2 Battles and related Military/Political events

  • Mussolini Seizes Power

  • China is Occupied

    Chinese province, Manchuria is seized by the Japanese, Japan leaves the league and continues occupation
  • Hitler is appointed chancellor

  • German President Hindenburg

    Dies from Lung Cancer, which leaves Hitler as a sole leader (fuhrur)
  • Italy invades Abyssinia

    Italians invade Abyssinia (Ethiopia today) but the trade Boycott Implimentes by the league doesn’t deter Italy
  • Rhineland Invaded

    This was Germany’s First Take over, They were afraid that Britain and France will fight back as it was their territory. But nobody fought back
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    Hitler’s policy to aquire greater “living space” for Germany
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    Saar Valley and Rhineland Reoccupied

    Germany repccupies the Saar Valley and Rhineland in direct defiance of the Treaty Of Versailles
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    The Spanish Civil War

    The Communists and Socialists overthrow the Spanish Monarchy (Royal Family). Fascists lead by General Francisco Franco instigate Civil War
    Canadian Doctor Norman Bethune volunteered as a medic
  • Anchuss Created

    “Union” with Austria
  • Germany Takes Over Austria

  • Austria Invaded

    Hitler was born there
  • Munich Crisis

    British P.M. Chamberlain agree to give Hitler the Sudetenland as Appeasement.
    Appeasement - The diplomatic policy of using compromise to avoid conflict
    Also called The Munich Pact
    Famous quote from Chamberlain,”Peace for our time”
  • The Non Aggression Pact

    Germany and Soviet Union sign a treaty of Mutual neutrality with Germany
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    The systematic killing of Jews in Nazi Germany
    Victims of the Holocaust included 6 million Jews and 5 million “Others Undesirables” including Gypsies, homosexual men, Jehovah’s Witnesses, handicapped Germans, Poles (Poland Citizens), Political Descendants. Also 1 million children under the age of 12
  • Germany occupies the rest of Czechoslovakia

    Hitler wanted to take this over because it had German Speaking Czech’s
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany Invades West Poland using Blitzkrieg(“Lightning War”) tactic of rapid, coordinated attacks by the Luft-Waffe (air force) and tanks.
    The Soviet Union has also Invaded Poland but from the East (Poland used to be part of Russia)
  • Britain Declared War

    Churchill Signs the Deceleration Of War
  • Canada makes it’s own declaration of war

    Parliament votes to join the war
    First time in history Canada makes it’s own declaration
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    Operation Dynamo

    Trapped by the German army, 240,000 Canadian and Allied Soldiers were evacuated from the costal town of Dunkirk, France across the English Channel to Britain
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    The Battle of Britain

    British Air force R.A.F successfully defend against the Luftwaffe.
    They attempt to establish air superiority in advance over a full scale invasion.
    Famous Quote,”This will be our finest hour” (W. Churchill)
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    The Blitz

    Also called Terror Bombing, Germany bombed London quickly using the strong airforce Luft-Waffe
  • The Blitz Ended

    Churchill creates a great airforce, which is lighter making them better than the Luftwaffe and defends Great Britain
  • The Non-Aggression pact Broken

    Germany Invades The Soviet Union
  • Hideki Tojo

    The Minister of War is promoted to Prime Minister
  • Pearl Harbour Bombed

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    Japan Invades the Philippines

    The Philippines had a lot of Oil, but the U.S. was angered as the Philippines were part of the U.S.
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    Battle Of Stalingrad

  • Allies Attack Dieppe, France

  • Dieppe

    A complete failure of a with high casualties, reconnaissance of German coastal defences in advance of of invasion to release pressure on the Eastern Front
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    The Italian Campaign

    Battles in Italy
  • Allies invade Sicily

    Also called “Operation Husky”, the allies attack Italy from North Africa
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    Old city with narrow streets and connected houses were Canadians fought German in house to house street battles; bloodiest battle of the Italian Campaign
  • D Day

    Overlord and the Normandy Campaign:
    Europe was under complete Nazi Control and defended with an extensive system of bunkers, mines, artillery, etc. Built along the North Sea/Atlantic Coast”T he Atlantic Wall”
    The 5 beach Landings - Utah Beach, Omaha, Gold, Juno (Where 14 000 Canadians landed) and sword.
  • Conscription in Canada

    “Conscription if Necessary, but not necessary Conscription” - W.L.M King.
    During a Plebiscite (citizen’s vote), 64% vote for Conscription, while 73% voted against in Quebec on April 27 1942 King’s delay for conscription eventually comes to an end and 13 000 Canadian Draftees go over sea’s
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    The Liberation Of The Netherlands

    The Canadian army frees Dutch citizens from the Nazi occupation
  • Germany Falls

    The Soviet Union captures Berlin
  • V E day

    Victory In Europe, Germany Surrenders
  • U.S. bombs the city of Hiroshima

    The U.S drop the Bomb called The Little Boy, by the plane called The Enola Gay
  • U.S. Bombs The City Of Nagasaki

    Fat man is Dropped as a second bomb
  • V-J Day

    Japan Surrenders, thus ending WWII