history war

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    Jefferson Davis

    president of the union
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    Abraham Lincoln

    he was the president of the union
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    William Tecumseh Sherman

    he was a soldier he was a general and lead people to march and destroy stuff
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    Harriet Tubman

    she freed slaves and help with the underground rail road
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    Ulysses S. Grant

    a leader of the American army
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    Stonewall Jackson

  • The Kansas Nebraska Act

    it was an act that said that the people that moved to Kansas and Nebraska they would get to chose if it was a slave or free state
  • John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry

    its when john brown raided a camp of southerners so it would be a free state
  • Election of 1860

    it when Abraham Lincoln was elected and its when the south sensed
  • Confederate States of America is formed

    when the south rebelled because of president Lincoln
  • Fort Sumter

    fort Sumter was bombarded after the north tried to have it even though it was in the south so the south took it back
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    Civil War

    it was a war where the north and south fought over slavery
  • Battle of Bull Run

    it was the first land battle it show that it was going to show that it was going to be a long war
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    it was like an act that said that all the states that belong to the union could not have slaves
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    it was the wars turning point and had the larges number of casualties
  • Sherman’s March to the Sea

    he marches to the sea destroying every thing to there
  • 13th amendment

    it was and amendment that got rid of slavery
  • 14th amendment

    all men are truly equal
  • 15th amendment

    African Americans can vote