history unit 2

  • Alsace-Lorraine lost to Germans

  • US Chinese Exclusion Act

  • Period: to

    Japan's population boom

    45 million to 64 million
  • Japanese and Korean Exclusion League

  • WWI end

  • Spartacist Rebellion

  • Lenin founded Comintern

  • Period: to

    20 different coalition governments in Germany

  • LON success: Albania

    Yugoslavia invaded Albania, Yugoslavia pulled out resource
  • Kapp Putsch of 1920

  • Hitler Youth created

  • Germany's reparations

    269 billion gold Reichsmarks, estimated to take until 1980s to pay back
  • LON success: Aaland islands

    Sweden and Finland agreed for it to be Finland's
  • LON success: Upper Silesia

    A dispute between Poland and Germany. A plebiscite in 1921 that decided the division of the territory was tight, the riots followed. The League was asked to intervene. The territory was divided between Poland and Germany. Germany got most land, but the part given to Poland contained the rich industrial area of Silesia, so the Germans were embittered by this loss.
  • LON success (disarmament): Washington Naval Conference

    get major powers to disarm, put end to expensive naval arms race (Italy, Japan, France and Britain invited), agreed to reduce navy size
  • LON failure: Ruhr

    France accused Germany of sabotaging its economy to reduce value of payment, invaded Ruhr and seized coal and other goods as payment-> worsened economic crisis, Ruhr workers went on strike
  • LON failure: Corfu

    The League failed to stop Italy from invading the Greek Island of Corfu even though Greece asked for help.
  • LON failure: Vilna

    Lithuania asked the League to intervene in order to seize Vilna as its capital. The city was largely populated by the Polish population. Poland ignored the claims of Lithuania, the League stayed calm
  • LON failure: Memel

    The area was under League administration by the Treaty of Versailles. The League was unable to prevent Lithuania seizing it in 1923. This was followed by little success when the league persuaded Lithuania to accept the port becoming an “international zone”, with Lithuania retaining the surrounding area.
  • Period: to

    Prosperous Germany led by Gustav Stresemann

  • Period: to

    Gustav Stresemann became Chancellor

  • Period: to

    Gustav Stresemann as Foreign Minister

  • Germany negotiated Dawes Plan with USA

  • LON success: Greek-Bulgarian border

    Greece pulled out of Bulgaria
  • LON partial success (disarmament): Locarno Treaties

    proposed by Germany, signed by Germany and Allied powers, G agreed to respect new TOV boundaries, NOT to remilitarise Rhineland, no guarantee for Eastern borders as Germans hoped for
  • Trotsky resigned as head of Red Army

  • Germany joined LON

    before USSR!
  • Trotsky expelled from Communist Party

  • LON failure (disarmament): Kellogg-Briand Pact

    jointly initiated by French Foreign Minister (Aristide Briand) and American secretary of state (Frank B Kellogg), signed by 15 nations + afterward more than 60 countries joined, agreed not to resort to war as an instrument of national policy -> failed as war okay for self defense, undeclared war allowed, did not state how countries can react to signatories that did not abide
  • Period: to

    Soviet Cultural Revolution

    targeted intellectuals and wanted to make USSR into a proletarian society
  • Japanese invasion of Manchuria

  • Period: to

    drastic decrease in grain production

    kulaks destroyed livestock, crops, bad harvest -> great famine of 1932
  • 6 million people unemployed in Germany

  • Nazis won more seats than any other party in Reichstag

  • Nazis lost 34 seats in Reichstag during Nov 1932 elections

  • Great Famine (USSR)

    20 million starved to death, Stalin sold remaining food overseas instead of feeding USSR
  • PM Inukai assassinated

  • Period: to

    LON failure (disarmament): World Disarmament Conference

    France refused to disarm due to fear of Germany, Germany insisted on matching other powers' armament level
  • Hitler became chancellor

  • Hitler Youth had 100,000 members

  • Enabling Act passed

    Hitler can pass laws without President's approval
  • 1 party rule

    since May 1933, Hitler passed a law making the Nazi Party the only legal political party in Germany
  • Nazis boycotted Jewish businesses

  • Period: to

    Massive rearmament and conscription programme

    Germany wanted to restore pride and strength
  • USSR joined LON

  • All Jewish shops marked with Star of David

    Germans barred from entering Jewish shops to make Jews bankrupt, Jews confined to areas and seats labeled 'Juden', books written by Jews, businesses & properties confiscated
  • Night of the Long Knives

    SA and Rohm purged
  • Creation of Fuhrer position

  • Italy stopped Anschluss attempt by Germany

  • Period: to

    LON failure: Abyssinian Crisis

  • Nazis introduced conscription

    Hitler decided Germany needed Luftwaffe
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Jews excluded from German society, cannot marry non-Jews, no longer German citizens
  • Germany announced conscription programme to world

    by 1935, possessed 500 planes, 300,000 strong army, broke TOV rules and nothing happened to Germany
  • Hitler Youth membership compulsory for all youths

  • Night of Broken Glass

    Jewish shops, synagogues, and buildings destroyed
  • increased literacy rates in USSR

    94% males and 65% females literate
  • Germans marched into Rhineland unopposed

  • Gestapo had unlimited arrest power, can arrest based on suspicion

  • 2nd Sino-Japanese War

  • Anschluss

  • Chamberlain's first visit to Hitler

  • Period: to

    Chamberlain's 2nd visit to Hitler

  • Chamberlain's 3rd visit to Hitler

  • Jewish Ghettoes in Poland

    terrible living conditions
  • Stalin met with Britain and France to discuss alliance

  • Entire Czechoslovakia under Hitler

  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

  • Hitler invaded Poland

  • Britain and France declared war on Germany

  • Hitler invaded USSR

  • Lend Lease Aid start

  • Period: to


  • Japanese overstretched empire

  • USSR reformed Red Army and air force

  • Guadalcanal & Solomon Islands

    decimation of Jap
  • Mariana Islands

    Jap decimated
  • Allies' 'island hopping' cut off Jap navy and air force

    mid 1944
  • Japanese surrender, end of WW!!