History unit 2

By AroaSeG
  • End of war world two

    End of war world two
    The 2 of September of the 1945 the Second World War end
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    Political tensions between eastern and western Europe over ideology, economics and government lead to a ‘Cold War' that lasts for more than 40 years.
  • ECSC

    Six countries made the ESCS (Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands)
  • Germany division

    Germany division
    Germany is divided in two
  • Treaties of Rome

    Treaties of Rome
    It formed the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM)
  • Unification of ESCS and EURATIOM

    Unification of ESCS and EURATIOM
    In 1965 ESCS and EURATOM merged and
    they created the EU
  • UK, Denmark and Ireland join the community

    They became the first countries to join the Communities
  • First direct elections to the European Parliament

    First direct elections to the European Parliament
    European citizens can vote for who they want to represent them in the European Parliament. The European elections have been held every 5 years since then.
  • Greece join the EU

    Greece join the EU
  • Greenland leave the EU

    Greenland leave the EU
    Following a referendum held in 1982, it withdrew from the EU but remains associated with it as an Overseas Country and Territory.
  • Spain and Portuguese join the EU

    Spain and Portuguese join the EU
  • Maastricht Treaty

    Maastricht Treaty
  • Schengen Agreement

    Schengen Agreement
    A small village in Luxemburg gives its name to the Schengen Agreement that gradually allows people to travel without their passport checked at the borders, it is signed on 14 of june 1985
  • Austria, Finland and Sweden join the EU

    Austria, Finland and Sweden join the EU
    Now 15 members
  • Treaty of Amsterdam

    Treaty of Amsterdam
    It prepares the European Union for the arrival of future Member States.
  • Euro

    In the 1999 the euro be officially
  • Created the constitution

    Created the constitution
    In 2004 created the constitution treaty but this isn’t approved by France and Holand
  • 10 news countries join the EU

    10 news countries join the EU
    They are Poland, Latonia, Malta, Cyprus, Lithuania, Estonia, Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia, Slovenia
  • Romania and Bulgaria join the EU

    Romania and Bulgaria join the EU
    Now 27 countries
  • Crisis

    A major financial crisis hits the world economy, triggering a recession. The initial spark was problems with mortgage loans in the US, and several European banks also experience difficulties
  • Croatia join the EU

    Croatia join the EU
    Now 28 countries