1 CE
Travel and tourism started thousands of years ago. -
The Grand Tour
The Grand Tour was a traditional trip undertaken by mainly young European aristocrats. This journey often included stops in cities like Paris, Rome and Venice. The Grand Tour was considered essential part of young nobles education, helping develop social skills and cultural knowledge. -
The Growth of spa town
Spa towns grew in popularity during the 18th and 19th centuries. They became fashionable destinations for those who looking to relax and improve there well- being. Many spa towns developed beautiful architecture and parks to attract visitors. -
The growth of beach resorts
How the railways helped tourism grow
Packaged holiday
Packaged holidays started in the mid 1800s when Thomas Cook organized the first tour in 1841, which was a train trip in England. They became even more popular in mid 1900s with more people flying for vacations. -
Historical Development in Tourism
In 1841 Thomas cook organized the first package tour making the beginning of modern tourism -
What did Vladimir do?
Co- funded Horizon Holiday -
Vladimir Raitz
Vladimir was a Russian born but British business man who co-funded the Horizon holiday camp to make international travel affordable and accessible to the average person. -
The First HolidayCamp
The first holiday camp was made in the 1930s which was aimed at the goring low income market -
The Changes in Leisure time and working patterns
In the 1950s people would work up to 57 hours or more in just one week, today the average working hour is 37. -
Development of package holidays
In 1950 a group pf British people boarded a old war plane hoping to make a begging to package holidays. -
Package holidays hit a rise in popularity
In 1970 the popularity of holiday camps decreased because package holidays popularity massively increased -
How the internet changed industry
In 1983, the internet began transforming the holiday industry facilitating online bookings and providing instant access to travel information. -
The rise of budget airlines
Easy Jet and Ryan Air grew massively in 1997 with more options to travel at more affordable prices -
Package Travel and Tourism Arrangements 2018
When people book a holiday what they have paid for thee is a 100% chance of them receiving it. If not they have rights to complain or take things further if they wish. -