
History TimeToast

  • 200,000 BCE


    Prehistory is the period from the appearance of the first human beings to the invention of writing. 2,500,000 B.C. - 3,500 BC
  • 4000 BCE

    Antiquity Age

    Antiquity Age
    The Antiquity Age begins in the year 4,000 BC, with the appearance of writing.
  • 476

    Middle Age

    Middle Age
    The Middle Ages began in 476 with the disintegration of the Western Roman Empire.
  • 887

    Fall of the Carolingian Empire

    Fall of the Carolingian Empire
    The Carolingian empire lasted barely a century; it was officially extinguished in the year 887 with the last heir of Charlemagne, Carlos the Fat.
  • 1453

    Ivention of the Printing Press

    Ivention of the Printing Press
    The printing press is an invention of the German, Johannes Gutenberg in the year 1453.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Modern Age

    Modern Age
    Modern Age since the discovery of America in 1492.
  • Contemporary Age

    Contemporary Age
    Contemporary Age is from the French Revolution in 1789 to the present.
  • First World War

    First World War
    It was a warlike confrontation centered in Europe that began on July 28, 1914 and ended on November 11, 1918.
  • Second World War

    Second World War
    World War II was a global military conflict that took place between 1939 and 1945. Most of the world's nations were involved in two warring military alliances.