Australianhistory 194pvk3

history timelines

By limo14
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    hsitory of australia

  • Enlightment

    Enlightenment was an act of which all men were equal and science over took the influence of god. Christens no longer had any power over the government and their knowledge of the world was challenged
    it was a great time for the poor as they were no longer looked down upon they were now equals with the rich and had all the same rights as they did. Enlightenment is how our world came to be today, how we depend on science so much more than god.
  • industrial revolution

    industrial revolution
    The industrial revolution was the when man moved on from hunting and gathering to agricultural. Technology became a much bigger thing in the world as new things were created such as steam power engines. Many things changed during the industrial revolution as forests were cut down for their wood, and villages turned into city’s. The industrial revolution was good in some way but bad In others as pollution became a big thing but it also gave us electricity.
  • pollution

    Pollution started during the industrial revolution. As more and more factory’s started popping up all over the place the earth kept becoming more and more polluted. It was the start of pollution and the people back then didn’t really know what they were doing to the planet. Everyone was more excited about all the new things they were discovering. Back then it wasn’t much of a big deal but as time went on and more pollution was being created, it started to become a really big problem for us now.
  • imperialism over australia

    imperialism over australia
    Imperialism is when a country extends its influenced over a less powerful countries. Like when Britain took over Australia. They moved in and claimed the land as their own, they kicked out the natives and brought their own kind in. This is what imperialism is, and it happen all throughout history. It is why many countries were originally owned by other countries. Imperialism still affects Australia today as we are still heavily influenced by Britain. Like the union jack is on our flag.
  • Free Settlers

    Free Settlers
    • free settlers were people who moved to Australia to live freely.They were given land by the government Many of them became very wealthy.
    • At the start they each had a fair bit of land but as time went on some of the better off settlers expanded their land where others land were taken by squatters. My free settlers were farmers, bakers and other trademarks.They were also given convicts as slaves to do the things thety didn't want to do.
  • Aboriginals from Australia

    Aboriginals from Australia
    Aboriginals were the indigenous people of Australia. They had lived in Australia for thousands of years, where they looked after the land as much as it looked after them. They had being strong and healthy in their land for many years until the day they met the Europeans. The Europeans took over their land, build houses and kicked the aboriginals out of their homes. In the beginning the aboriginals were curious about the Europeans but soon became angrey with them and began attacking them.
  • hulks

    Hulks where ships that were afloat but could not go to sea. They were used for many purposes, one of them were as floating prisons. As the prisons on land were too full to hold any more prisoners they used hulks as temporary prisons until they could transport the convicts to some other countries like Australia. Britain used prison hulks a lot as they had many prisoners, the navy would donate ships to become hulks as they were to damage for combat.
  • convicts

    I think convicts were people who had committed a crime in England and were transported to Australia because there wasn’t enough room in England for them and it was a punishment for their crimes.
    Many of the convicts died on their way to Australia as it was very crowded on the ships that took them there.
    Once they got to Australia they had to serve the sentence they were given in England which would be about 5 to 7 years in jail.
  • Van Diemans Land

    Van Diemans Land
    Second colony was made in Risdon Cove Vans Diemen’s (Tasmania) 1803 by John Bowen. This colony was created for the worst convicts who would not be set free. Van Diemen’s Land was a foul and dirty land at the time. It was home to all the worst of the Convicts who were sent to Australia.. The long term effects of the convicts being sent to Van Diemen’s Land is that lots of people were born in Tasmania stay in Tasmania.
  • Squatters

    Squatters where free settlers who were not given free land by the government so they began to live on the land without paying the government for it. In the beginning the government did not like this and tried to get rid of them but as time went on and the demand for resources grew higher the government decied to let the squatters live and farm on their land if they payed the rent for it.Quatters became very wealthy and owned huge sizes of land.
  • spread of british settlement

    spread of british settlement
    Britain introduced an assisted passage scheme to encourage people to emigrate to Australian colonies to ease population pressures. New settlers took up this challenge, hoping to make their fortune as property owners. The crossing of the Blue Mountains by Wentworth, Lawson and Blaxland in 1813
  • slaves

    I think slaves were people who were looked down a pond such as an African. They brought them to America to serve for free settlers and earn some money.
    Slaves were brought to America from England to be sold to the free settler’s that were living there. Once they were sold they had to do everything there owner said. It was a very hard time for the slaves as had no say in anything. Many slaves died on their way to America.
  • Commonwealth Franchise

    Commonwealth Franchise
    The Commonwealth franchise Act was signed by the Governor-General in 1902 to it was made set out who could vote in a federal election. The Act excludes them from enrolling and voting in the elections. Aboriginal natives of Australia, Asia, Africa or the islands of the pacific had to live by these rules and regulations New Zealand was the only one that didn’t have to live by these rules. At the time of federation, Indigenous people in Western Australia had been campaigning for years.
  • Franz Ferdinand

    Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the royal prince of Austria/hungry. He was in Serbia when he was assassinated by a young Serbian nationalist called Gavrilo Princip. The death of the prince set off a series of events that lead to the First World War. Ferdinand was touring though Sarajevo when he and his wife were shot point blank by the assassin. it was a sad time for Austria as they had just lost their heir, but then they declared war on Serbia which lead to one of the deadliest wars in the world.
  • western front

    western front
    The western front is the name that the German gave a series of trenches that ran for 700 kilometres from the Belgian coast to the Swiss border. The battle started when Germany invaded Belgium to take over France. This battle lasted for many years until November 11 1918 when Germany was defeated as they had had too many casualties. So many people had been effected by this battle as so many lives had been lost, this grief was passed down through the generations of the soldiers who were in the war.
  • ANZAC day

    ANZAC day
    ANZAC day is a national remembrance day for the Australian New Zealand Army Corps. On the 25th of April 1915, the ANZACs joined the Gallipoli campaign. Thousands of Australians died on that campaign, therefore to honour the Australians who fought in the war a public holiday was given on the 25th of April when Australia first joined the war and when ANZAC day was born. A dawn Servest happens every year on ANZAC day were Australians can really thank the people who helped save us from the war.
  • Gallipoli campaign

    Gallipoli campaign
    The Gallipoli campaign was a failed attempt get supplies to Russia. The idea was to send the Anzacs to take over turkey so they could get supplies to Russia. The whole campaign was meant to be stealth but when the Anzacs landed on Gallipoli beach the Turks were waiting for them. Both sides lost many men but in the end the Anzacs were forced to retreat. The effects of this battle were high as this was where most Anzacs died. To this day there is a special day for this battle on April 25 Anzac day