History timeline WW1

  • Period: to

    Rise of facism in Italy

    Facism: Stressed nationalism and placed the interests of the state above those of individuals . Mussolini marched on Rome with thousands of people they called "Black Shirts"
  • Joseph Stalin transforms the Soviet Union

    Joseph Stalin transforms the Soviet Union
    Stalin is translated to mean "Man of Steel". Wanted to transform Soviet Union from a backward rural nation into a great industrial power.
  • Nazis take over Germany

    Nazis take over Germany
    6 million Germans were unemployed and many of those people had joined Hitlers army as their last hope. Nazis became the strongest political party in Germany as Hitler became chancellor.
  • Americans cling to isolationism

    Since America continued to have growing isolationism it eventually had an impact on president Roosevelts foreign policy. Neutrality Acts: The first two acts outlawed arms sales or loans to nation at war
  • Civil War breaks out in Spain

    Civil War breaks out in Spain
    Led by Francisco Franco. Revolts broke out over Spain and the Civil war in Spain had begun. 3000 Americans had formed the Abraham Lincoln Battalion. Lost almost 500000 lives and Francos vitory led him to be Spains facist dictator.
  • Kristallnacht

    Translatted to "Night of Broken Glass". The Nazis attacked homes,bussinesses, and synagouges across Germany and Austria. Around 100 Jews were killed and around 100 more were injured. 30,000 Jews were arrested and 100 plus synagouges were burned down.
  • Blitzkreig in Poland

    Blitzkreig in Poland
    Luftwaffe, German airforce came over Poland dropping bombs everywhere over cities, railoads, etc. Blitzkreig; also known as the lighting war.
    All of the major fighting was done within three weeks long before any allies could mount a defense
  • The Phony War

    The Phony War
    This war was also known as the sitzkreig war. This war went on for the next few months after Blitzkreig in Poland
  • Period: to

    Civil Rights Protest

    African Americans working in skilled jobs rose from 16 to 30 percent,
  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    The Germans began to assemble an invasion fleet along the French coast. The lluftwaffe began making bombing runs over Britain. August 15th approximatley 2000 German planes ranged over Britain.
  • Roosevelt run for a third term

    Roosevelt run for a third term
    Roosevelt wanted to break the tradition of being a President for two terms and ran for his third. Roosevelt was reelected with nearly 55 percent of the votes cast
  • The Lend-Lease Plan

    Isolationists argued against the plan. Britain had no more money to spend and Roosevelt tried to help by making this plan.
  • Shoot on Sight

    A German submarine fired on the U.S destroyer Greer in the Atlantic. Killed more than 100 sailors when Germna U-boats sank the U.S destroyer Reuben James
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    That morning a bomber followed by 180 war planes launched from six aircraft carriers. They claimed "Air raid on Pearl Harbor, This is not a drill." The Japeneese had killed 2403 Americans in less than 2 hours and wounded 1178 more people. They damaged and sunk 21 ships and 300 of their aircrat was damaged or destroyed.
  • Reaction to Pearl Harbor

    Reaction to Pearl Harbor
    President Roosevelt taked to all the people of America and said "Yesterday will be a day which will live in infamy." Congress had then declared war against Japan. Germany and Italy had declared war on the United States three days later.
  • War Plans

    President Roosevelt spent three weeks working on war plans.
  • Mass Extermination

    Mass Extermination
    Each camp has massive chambers that the people would walk into and they never knew if they were going to get a real shower or get "showered" in gas. They had a few different types of camps and they were work camps or death camps and Aushwitz was one of the largest death camps that they had
  • German Wolf Packs

    Individual surface attacks by U-boats became known as the wolf pack attack. They succesfully sank 350,000 tons of shipments in only one month
  • Federal Government Takes Control

    OPA (Office of Price Administration); they fought inflation by freezing prices on most goods
  • Doolittles Raid

    Daring raid on Tokyo and other Japenese cities. James Doolittle led 16 bombers in the attack
  • Battle of the Coral Sea

    Five-day battle. Fighting was done by airplanes.
  • The Battle of Midway

    The Battle of Midway
    Japans next attack. The Allies succeded though and stopped them
  • The Battle of Stalingrad

    The Battle of Stalingrad
    German army had nightly bombing raids over the city.
    Almost every wooden building was set on fire.
  • Battle of the Atlantic

    Battle of the Atlantic
    After Pearl Harbor
    Hitler orderd this battle
  • D-Day

    Shortly after midnight three divisions parachuted behind German lines. Early that morning thousands and thousands of seaborn soldiers arived. That was the beginning of the war we now know as D-Day.
  • Liberation of the Death Camps

    Liberation of the Death Camps
    They found 1000 starving prisioners who were struggling to stay alive, the worlds largest crematorium, and a storehouse containing 80,000 shoes this was all found in one of the concentration camps
  • The Battle of the Bulge

    The Battle of the Bulge
    Tanks drove 60 miles into Allied territory creating a bulge in the lines that gave this desperate last ditch of offense hense the name "Battle of the bulge"
  • The Battle for Okinawa

    The Battle for Okinawa
    Marines invaded Okinawa. released more than 1900 attacks. They sunk 30 ships damaging more than 300 and killing almost 5000 seamen.
  • Roosevelts Death

    While posing for a picture in Warm Springs Georgia he had a stroke and died right there on the scene. Then Vice President Harry S. Truman became our 33rd President
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    A huge atomic bomb was released. Nicknamed "Little Boy". Not even a minute later the entire city was covered in dust and no buildings remained. Three days later another atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki and that one was nicknamed "Fat Boy".