history timeline sec 4

  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    History assignement

  • Aug 27, 1500

    natives and europeans

    This is around the time when the europeans made contact with the natives.
  • Aug 28, 1500


    - lived in tipis
  • Aug 28, 1500


    - live in long houses for 15 years at a time
  • Sep 4, 1534

    jaques cartier comes to canada

    -looking for a route to asia
    -looking for precious gold
    -looking for new land for france
  • champlains first attempt at a settlement

    Champlainn first atempted to set up a trading poste in nova scotia but it failed because it was too far to travel for the fur traders.
  • Champlain settled in quebec

    -He originally tried setting up a location in nova scotia but the location wasn't as ideal as quebec city.
    -It was a trading poste
  • Maisonneuve

    Maisonneuve was an explorer and was the founder of montreal in 1645.
  • jeanne mance

    Jeanne Mance was a nun and she created the very first hospital in montreal called the Hotel-dieux.
  • louis 14

    Louis 14 came to power and eliminated mercantalism.
  • royal government

    The royal government came into play in 1663 and was the first official government in new france. The sovereign council was in charge of new france and it was composed of three people: the bishope, the intendant and the govenor. the bishope was in charge of education, the hospitals and the education system. The intendant was in charge of the economic portion including taxes and was also in charge of the justic system. The govenor was the captain of the malitia and delt with intercolognial battles
  • treaty of ryswick

    Ending of first intercolognial war.
  • treaty of utrech

    Ending of second intercolognial war.
  • the seven year war

    War is raging in europe and in north america. The french send most of their troops to fight in europe so the british have the advantage. In 1759 the english take over quebec city after a short battle on the plains of Abraham using all their cunning tactics.
  • Articles of capitulation

    After the english took control of the colonie they could not make a treaty immediatly since the war was still on in Europe. They had to creat these articles to show they have control and to say what the new rules are.
    1. The French Militia could return home, no one would lose their property
    2. The French Regular military would lay down their arms and leave
    3. The people could practice the RC religion, but the Bishop would have to leave
    4. The people who stayed would become UK Subjects
  • treaty of paris

    After the Seven year war was over in Europe aswell, they were finally able to create a treaty which gave new france to the british. (treaty of Paris).
  • royal proclamation

    Once Brittain had control the made a constitution to assimilate the french. It consisted of:
    1- Gives the new colonie the name Quebec.
    2- It decreases the borders to just around the St-Lawrence river valley.
    3- Made a new government where the king appointed a govenor and he chose an executive council to davise him.
    4- English laws were put in.
    5- No bishope would be allowed.
    6- No catholics could hold public office
  • Quebec act

    Since the population was mostly French, obviously they didn't agree with the new laws from the royal proclamation. And to prevent a revolution they sent over a man named James Murray to see what the problem is. He changed the rules and allowed the french more rights. The british didn't agree so he got sacked. They replaced him with another man, Guy Carlton and he had the same recomendations. So they created the quebec act. (see other quebec act for the rest)
  • Quebec act (part 2)

    The Quebec act consisted of:
    -Guarantees French Canadian loyalty -Enlarges the area of Quebec -Denied an elected assembly-Appointed council (min.17 members)-French civil laws were instated, tithe and seigniorial system are back-Test Act Oath→ Test Oath of Allegiance (swear to king you’re loyal, and could hold office)
  • American revolution

    The Americans rebel and decide to create their own country. This allows all the people who are still loyal to Brittain (the loyalists) to move to Quebec. This increases the English population in Quebec and the Quebec's territory decreases.
  • Constitutional Act

    As the english population rose they started to want the english laws back. So they spil quebec into upper and lower canada. A new form of government was created, The representative government.
    In this government the population voted for the legislative assembly which wrote all the laws and created taxes. The governor appoints the legislative council which can approuve or disapprove of any law they decide on. And the executive assembly is chosen to advise the governor.
  • Changes of 1800s

    Main export is now timber.
    More canals were built and even trains were a source of transportion.
  • War of 1812

    The British navy wouldn't allow their Ex Colonie (america) to trade with France. So the Brittish captured all of the americans ships suspected of traiding with France and forced the crew into the british army. The americans wanted revenge and waited until Brittain was at war with France. They invaded Canada in the winter and failed. Canada then fought back and failed. No one was victorious but the canadians felt secure with brittain's protection.
  • Immigration

    Great Brittain has been getting people to move to canada because the population in great brittain was too high and other reasons. They advertized a better life in the province of Canada and all that could jumped on the opportunity, especially the Irish. The Irish have had a bad life for a while, living on nothing but potatos, and when their potato stock was not safe to eat the population bagan to starve. The Irish came to Canada in large numbers which increased the english population.
  • Rebellion

    The population was unhappy with the Representative government. The population had no control because the governor had veto power he could abolish any Law that didn't profit the business men. In lower Canada the population formed The Parti Patriote, led by Louis Joseph Papineau. They sent resolutions to london and were basically ignored. They rebelled and they lost most of their battles. Upper Canada also was unhappy but their attemps at freedom were quickly put down.
  • Responible government

    After the rebellions the British sent over Lord Durham to see what his recomendations are. He decides to join both Canadas to assimilate the french and to enforce a responsible government. This government is similar except the lessiglative assembly appointed a prime minister to lead them and he chose the executive council. The governor no longer has veto power here.