History Timeline Project

By bstrock
  • Founding of Jamestown

    Founding of Jamestown
    The First Charter of the Virginia gave permission to settle the new world J. So approximately 100 settlers settled a settlement called Jamestown. Jamestown was the first settlement that was made by England. It was significant because it marked the beginnings of American History.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Colonist, who was outraged by unfair taxes implemented on goods from Britain, boarded ships from Britian dressed as Indians. They dumped 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor. This would be the Colonist first major act of rebellion towards Britain. This was significant because the colonists were now actively rebelling against the British. It directly led to the intolerable Acts. Also furthered tension between Britain and America. Which eventually leads to the American Revolution.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    In response to the Boston Tea Party, Britain passed the Coercive acts or better known the Intolerable Acts. Britain closed Boston's Harbor until they replayed Britain for the dumped tea during the Boston Tea Party. Also Included the Quartering Act which allowed British soldiers to live in any colonial homes they choose. This was significant because this became the last straw for the colonists, and it increased tension between them.
  • Battle of Lexington

    Battle of Lexington
    British soldiers were on their way to seize Samual Adams and John Hancock in Lexington. When they arrived, they were met by a group of colonial minutemen. Tension rose and a shot was fired which would be known as "the shot heard round the world". This is significant because this marked the start of the American Revolution.
  • Signing of the Declaration of Independence

    Signing of the Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Indepedence was an official document sent to Britain declaring Independence from them. It was written by Thomas Jefferson in the summer of 1776. It is one of the most important documents in American History. This is significant because we became of own country.
  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge
    Washington was forced to retreat from Philadelphia in 1777. He fell back on a little town called Valley Forge. He and his men were forced to brave the harsh winter. This marked a turning point in the war. With the help of Baron Von Steuben, Washington was able to transform his army of inexperienced farmers into a stronger fighting force. This is significant because changed the mindset of everyone who went through that. It demonstrated how much Washington cared for his men.
  • Invention of Cotton Gin

    Invention of Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney with intention of reducing the number of slaves needed to process cotton. Eli made little money off his invention due to patent infringements. This is significant because it ironically increased the slave trade in the south and furthering the issue of slavery.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    During the Napoleonic wars, Britain and France banned trade with each other. Neutral America remained trading with both countries. This caused Britain to pass the Orders of Council which allowed the capture and impressment of American ships and sailors. This caused a 3-year war between Britain and America. It is widely considered our second war of Independence. This event is significant because it secured America as a legitimate country. It also paved the way to the Era of Good Feelings.
  • Treaty of Gaudalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Gaudalupe Hidalgo
    This treaty was signed ending the Mexican American war. it recognized the Rio Grande as the legitimate Border of Texas. It also gave the United States land that would be present-day Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming. This is significant because it led to the startup of free or slave state questions. Also, will lead to disputes over the Missouri Compromise.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    After Lee's victory at Chancellorsville, He marched north to Gettysburg to try to seize Union supplies. He was met by a force of Union troops. What was a small skirmish led to the bloodiest battle of the whole war. This battle is significant because it marked a turning point in the war for the Union army.