history timeline project

  • Treaty of Versailles is signed

    Treaty of Versailles is signed
    The Treaty of Versailles was a treaty signed by Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy and Russia. This treaty was created at the Paris Peace Conference on June 28, 1919. This treaty's main goal was to establish peace among the nations. This event is classified as an economic event.
  • Hitler joins the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis)

    Hitler joins the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis)
    In 1920 Hitler joined the Nazis in Germany. He joined because he agreed with their beliefs and views on how to return Germany to greatness. This event is classified as a social event.
  • Mussolini forms the Fascist Party in Italy

    Mussolini forms the Fascist Party in Italy
    Benito Mussolini, the Italian prime minister, formed the National Fascist Party in Italy. The National Fascist Party was an Italian political party, created by Benito Mussolini as the political expression of fascism. This party was formed to establish a powerful fascist state after World War I. This event is classified as a social event.
  • Washington Naval Conference

    Washington Naval Conference
    This conference was called to discuss naval disarmament and ways to relieve growing tensions in East Asia by the United States. This meeting took place in Washington D.C. It took place because the leaders of the international community wanted to prevent another war from happening and also Japanese militarism was rising and furthered these concerns. This event is classified as a political event.
  • Mussolini threatens to march on Rome

    Mussolini threatens to march on Rome
    In October of 1922, Mussolini said "Either the government will be given to use or we shall seize it by marching by Rome." This event occurred because he wanted the Fascist Party to be the largest and most powerful party there was. He did this by overthrowing the government by taking over every public building and forcing the government to resign. This event is classified as political.
  • Hitler attempts to overthrow the Weimar government (Beer Hall Putsch)

    Hitler attempts to overthrow the Weimar government (Beer Hall Putsch)
    On November 8, 1923 Hitler and the Nazis attempted to overthrow the Weimar government in Germany. This occurred because Hitler wanted control of the government. In the end, Hitler ended up getting arrested and spending 9 months in prison. This event is classified as political.
  • Hitler goes to prison and writes Mein Kampf

    Hitler goes to prison and writes Mein Kampf
    In 1924, Hitler was arrested for attempting to overthrow the Weimar government in Germany. While he was in prison he wrote Mein Kampf. This outlined his views on how future Germany would be run. In addition it included how he became antisemitic. This event is classified as political.
  • Kellogg Brand Pact

    Kellogg Brand Pact
    On August 27, 1928 the Kellogg Brand Pact was created in order to prevent war from being used to resolve any conflicts that may arise. This pact was signed in Paris, France by United States and other powers. This event is classified as political.
  • Japan occupies Manchuria, China

    Japan occupies Manchuria, China
    In September of 1931 the Kwantung army of Japan invaded Manchuria, China because Japan was becoming overcrowded and Manchuria offered a lot of space. To add, Manchuria had many minerals, forestry, and agricultural land that could be beneficial to Japan. There was an explosion of the south Manchuria railway. The Kwantung army blamed the local population, which gave the army the excuse it needed to invade. This event is classified as economic.
  • Geneva Disarmament Conference

    Geneva Disarmament Conference
    This conference took place in February of 1932 revolving around the reduction of military sizes. This conference was between the League of Nations and the United States because they wanted to actualize the ideology of disarmament. This conference took place in Geneva. This event is political.
  • Hitler places second in German national elections for president

    Hitler places second in German national elections for president
    Adolf Hitler legally ran for President a few years after he tried to illegally overthrow the government. But he placed second to Paul von Hindenburg in the 1932 German elections. Hitler gained about 36.8% of the popular vote which was not enough to compete with Hindenburg's 53% vote. Hitler in January of 1933 was appointed to Chancellor of Germany. This event is political.
  • Germany withdraws from League of Nations

    Germany withdraws from League of Nations
    In October of 1933, 9 months after Hitler was appointed Chancellor, Germany announced its withdrawal from the League of Nations. The reason they withdrew from the League of Nations was because the League of Nations refused the Western Powers to accept Germany's demands for an equal military. This event is classified as political.
  • Hitler merges offices chancellor & president

    Hitler merges offices chancellor & president
    On August 2, 1934 after President von Hindenburg dies from lung cancer, Hitler takes over presidency. This is classified as a political event.
  • President von Hindenburg dies

    President von Hindenburg dies
    On August 2, 1934 President von Hindenburg died from lung cancer in Ogrodzieniec, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship. This event is classified as political.
  • Great Depression ends in Germany

    Great Depression ends in Germany
    In the beginning of 1935 the Great Depression ended in Germany. Wages and the standard of living remained low for Germans. To add, unemployment was reduced further. Tax incentives were created to make women want to leave the labor force and return home. In addition, Germany rearmed even though this deified the Treaty of Versailles but it helped boost Germany's economy. Lastly, Germany's farmers were booming and industrial production was above level. This is classified as an economical event.
  • Mussolini invades Ethiopia

    Mussolini invades Ethiopia
    On October 3, 1935 Benito Mussolini invaded Ethiopia. Mussolini did this by adapting Hitler's plan to expand their German territories. Mussolini followed them when he invaded Abyssinia. Italy does not get in trouble for this. This is classified as economical.
  • Hitler militarizes the Rhineland

    Hitler militarizes the Rhineland
    On March 7, 1936 Hitler militarized the Rhineland because he believed the Treaty of Versailles was hostile towards Germany. He used this as an excuse to invade. This event is classified as an economical event.
  • Hitler signs alliance with Mussolini

    Hitler signs alliance with Mussolini
    On October 25, 1936 Italy and Germany signed an agreement that would link the two fascist countries. Italy agreed because the alliance ensured support in case of a war and an end to political isolation. Germany agreed because it meant that the south boundary was protected and allowed for German troops to be used in other operations. This event is classified as political.
  • Italy withdraws from the League of Nations

    Italy withdraws from the League of Nations
    In 1937, Italy withdraws from the League of Nations. Benito Mussolini left the League of Nations after the League introduced economic sanctions on Italy since they invaded Abyssinia. This event is classified as political.
  • Japanese invasion of China

    Japanese invasion of China
    On July 7, 1937, Japanese forces invaded China. This invasion began with the Marco Polo Bridge incident which was where a dispute between Chinese and Japanese troops rose into a battle. This event is classified as economical.
  • Hitler and Nazi Germany annex Austria

    Hitler and Nazi Germany annex Austria
    On March 12, 1938 Hitler decided to unite Austria with Germany. Austrian Chancellor Kurt von Schuschigg met with Hitler to discuss his country's independence but he was bullied into placing top Austrian Nazis into his cabinet instead. Schuschigg decided to stop fighting Hitler and allow the Nazis to invade Austria. Hitler took over Austria's government. The next day Austria was claimed. This event is classified as economical.
  • Hitler and Nazi Germany gain Sudetenland

    Hitler and Nazi Germany gain Sudetenland
    On September 30th, 1938 Italy, France and Great Britain came together in Munich, Germany to form an official agreement that allowed Hitler and Nazi Germany to gain Sudetenland. They allowed for this because Adolf Hitler threatened to overtake Sudetenland by force and the allies wanted to avoid war at all costs. After discussing the formed the Munich Agreement which allowed for the takeover of Sudetenland.
  • Hitler and Nazi Germany gain Sudetenland

    Hitler and Nazi Germany gain Sudetenland
    On September 30, 1938 Germany gained Sudetenland from Great Britain, France and Italy. Everyone met in Munich to reach the final agreement. Hitler was given Sudetenland so he would not go to war. His original plan was to invade Sudetenland by force but the Allies (Britain, France, and Italy) wanted to avoid war at all costs. This is an economical event.
  • Hitler occupies Czechoslovakia

    Hitler occupies Czechoslovakia
    In January of 1939, Hitler decided he wanted to unite all his Germans into one nation, so he turned his attention to the Germans living in Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia. Germany already owned Sudetenland so Hitler believed it would be easy to unite them all, but instead, Sudeten Germans began to protest and provoked violence from the police in Czechoslovakia. This event is economical.
  • Hitler and Stalin sign Non-Aggression Pact

    Hitler and Stalin sign Non-Aggression Pact
    On August 23, 1939 Hitler and Stalin sign the Non-Aggression Pact. This pact says that no military actions will occur between each other for the next 10 years. Hitler signed this pact so that his armies could invade Poland unopposed by a major power, Soviet Union. Germany could then deal with France and Britain in the west without having to fight the Soviet Union. This event is classified as political.
  • Britain and France declare war on Nazi Germany

    Britain and France declare war on Nazi Germany
    On August 23, 1939 Britain and France declare war on Nazi Germany after Germany invaded Poland. This event is classified as political.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    On September 1, 1939 Hitler led his troops into Poland since Poland would bring living space for the Germans. Germany had just signed the Non-Aggression Pact with the Soviet Union allowing Germany to invade Poland without having to fight the Soviet Union as well. This is an economical event.
  • France surrenders and is occupied by Nazi Germany

    France surrenders and is occupied by Nazi Germany
    On May 10th, 1940, France surrendered and was occupied by Nazi Germany in the northern and western parts of the country. Nazi Germany advanced too fast for France to counter attack and they gave up within 6 weeks. They gave up because the did not want a repeat of World War I.
  • France surrenders and is occupied by Nazi Germany

    France surrenders and is occupied by Nazi Germany
    On May 10, 1940 France is occupied by Germany. The Nazis advance too fast for France to counterattack, causing France to give up within 6 weeks because they do not want a repeat of WWI. This took place in the northern and western parts of France. This is an economical event.
  • Japan, Italy and Germany sign the Tripartite Pact

    Japan, Italy and Germany sign the Tripartite Pact
    On September 27, 1940 the Axis powers; Japan, Italy and Germany sign the Tripartite Pact in Berlin. This pact provided mutual assistance if any of the powers are attacked by a nation that is not already involved in the war. This event is classified as political.