History timeline- it wouldn't let me only put years for dates so ignore the January 1st's as the month and day
By JessieFish96
Jun 15, 1215
Magna Carta Signed
The king of England at the time, King John, agreed to fix the needs of his people and made it so that copies of Magna Carta were put on paper and distributed them so his people could read them. -
Mayflower Compact Signed
The British boat, the Mayflower reached Massachusetts in November 1620, some of the people on board began questioning the authorities. These people decided to make their own document which stated what they were expected to do and how they would do it. This articles stated thatthey would all be a "civil body politic". -
Formation of the New England Confederation
This event is also known as United Colonies of New England and it was a union between, Massachusetts, Conneticut, New Haven and Plymouth. This union allowed trade and solved the arguments that they were having about religion.
I can't make it so there isn't a month and day for the date, so I had to put that there. -
The French and Indian War Begins
The French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Years War, was fought between British and French conists and allies to see who would control most of the land in North America. Both countries claimed the same part of land and were willing to fight over to prove whose colonies were better.
http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ops/french_indian.htm -
The Albany Plan of Union Announced
The Albany Plan of Union was propsed in 1754. The thirteen states were not working well together during this time and this was the set of laws that they came up with to try to fix this and better their situation. -
Treaty of Paris
After the French and Indian War had ended this document was created to redistribute the land. The French lost Canada and its territory to the east of the Mississippi to Britain and Spain gave up Florida to the British only to gain Cuba. This document was signed by all three countries in 1763.
http://www.thenagain.info/webchron/usa/TreatyParis.html -
Royal Proclamation (1763)
The Royal Proclamation was placed on the colonies to restrict them from moving out to the frontier since England and the King feared the Indians and did not want to lose their colonies. The colonies viewed this as the King wanted tokeep them closer so they would be easier to watch over and regulate, The proclamation also created four new colonies in Florida and Quebec.
http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/related/proc63.htm -
Sugar Act
In the Sugar Act the British placed a tax on sugar, wine, and other things important to the colonies. These taxes were because the British wanted more money to recover from the debt the French and Indian war had created.
http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/related/sugaract.htm -
Stamp Act
In the Stamp Act the British placed new taxes on all paper products including ship's papers, legal documents, licenses, publications (newspapers, etc.), and playing cards. These taxes were used to pay off the troops stationed on the Appalachian Mountains to protect the colonies from the Indians.
http://www.history.org/history/teaching/tchcrsta.cfm -
Congress Meets For First Time
The first meeting of Congress was in Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia. Only twelve of the total thirteen colonies sent representatives to this event, leaving Georgia as the only one not represented. The people had gotten to elect their representatives. -
Articles of Confederation Signed
The Articles of Confederation were a set for the 13 states to keep them all on the same set of laws.The articles lacked some very important aspects, leaaving the people unhappy and wanting changes to be made and in the end they did recieve these changes and a whole new document. -
Newburgh Conspiracy
In 1781, General Cornwallis was defeated in Yorktown. George Washington and his men were trying to make a peace treaty with Paris and Washington's men wer becoming impatient and sent a letter say they wanted a meeting with the general. The soldiers threatened that if Washington didn't go to the meeting they would quit, leaving Congress without an army. Washington attended ansd this disaster of not having an army was avoided. -
Treaty of Paris Signed
The Treaty of Paris offically ended the Revolutionary War against Britain. The treaty told the United States what land it owned, how they would pay off their debts, how the British troops should be treated by them and how they would pay off their debts. -
Spain Closes the Mississippi River
To prevent the Americans from expanding to the west, Spain closed the Mississippi River to them and prevented them from navigating it at all. Also, without the Mississippi River the farmers struggled since that was their main source of trade. -
Land Ordinance
This ordinance was for public schools and to seperate education/state from religon. They made churchs and schools two completely seperate buildings. -
Ordinance of Religious Freedom
The Ordinance of Religious Freedom states there is a sepreration between church and state. Thomas Jefferson was the writer of this document and it was passed in Virginia. Jefferson wanted freedom of thought and conscience. -
Annapolis Convention
Tha Annapolis Convention was held with 5 of the 13 colonies present. The colonies wanted to discuss the problems with the government and Articles of Confederation. The Convention decided another meeting would be held with more states so better decisions could be made to change the US. -
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
This ordinance came two years after the first and distributed land from the Great Lakes to the Ohio Valley for people to move in on. Eventually this land was broken into the five states of Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio. -
Constitutional Convention Opens
In the Philadelphia State House 55 delegates spent four months creating a Constitution. They set out to from a new set of laws for their country after the Articles of Confederation had proven itself inadequate for the tasks at hand. -
Anti-Federalist Articles
When the Constitution was going in for ratification from the states arguments against this ratification. Many of the reasons against this were written down and are known as the Anti-Federalist Papers. One of there main points was that the people did not have the rights they were promised and they were back to where they were in the beginning with a strong central government. -
Federalist Papers
After hearing about the Anti-Federalists Papers, the Federalists creating their own and fighting back for the Constitution. They believed the Constitution was providing the rights for the people and that there weren't any problems with the people's rights -
Shay's Rebellion
Led by Daniel Shays, about 1200 farmersheaded to the arsenal to seize weapons only to be met by around 4000 volunteers defending the arsenal. The volunteers opened fire leaving 4 farmers dead and the rebellion over. -
Constitution sent to states for Ratification
Delaware, New Jersey, and Georgia were all unanimous in their decision the ratify the Constitution. Other states were not really as all for this new proposition as those, some made a list of amendments they wanted to see made like Massachusetts. -
The Great Compromise
This event, also known as The Conneticut Comprimise because of delegates Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth of Conneticut, provided the little states with their equal representation they wanted in the Senate and the big states with their proportional in the House of Representatives. -
Delaware Ratifies
Delaware was the first state to ratify the Constitution and their decision was unanimously for it. -
Massachusetts Ratifies Constitution
Massachusetts ratified the Constitution 6th but it was the first state to make a list of changes that they wanted for protection of the states. Both Hancock and Bowdoin, representatives of MA, supported this ratification. -
New Hampshire Ratifies the Constitution
New Hampshire was the ninth state to ratify the Constitution and with its ratification the Constitution was put into affect officially. -
George Washington Elected President
George Washington was on the balcony of Federal Hall, New York when he took the oath of office and became the first President of the United States. -
Bill of Rights Sent to States for Ratification
The Bill of Rights is a collection of ammendments that were made to the Constitution. At first they were not called the Bill of Rights but they eventually the title was added on. At first there was seventeen ammendments proposed by James Madison, but that number was reduced to twelve. The Bill of Rights represents the first ten amendments to the Constitution and the goal of it was to insure the rights of the people. -
Bill of Rights Ratified
The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the Constitution.This Bill was to protect the natural rights of liberty and property including the freedom of thought such as, religion, speech, press and the right to bear arms. -
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
These resolutions were written by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts.
http://www.princeton.edu/~tjpapers/kyres/kyednote.html -
South Carolina Secedes
South Carolina was the first of the Confederate states to secede from the Union after Abraham Lincoln, a northern who did not even make the ballots in ten Southern states, was elected as president. These sates were concerned for their ability to keep their slaves so they no longer wished to be part of the Union. http://civilwar.bluegrass.net/secessioncrisis/601220.html