French/Indian War
This war is also known as the, "Seven Year's War", for only have lasted approximately seven years. Great Britain and France were the ones involved, and happened because both parties wanted to expand their territories. This war eventually ended with the, "Treaty of Paris". -
Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution was a time period in which people shifted from hand tools to building machinery and means of transportation. Brilliant inventions were made such as steam engines, steamboats, cotton gins, and more useful tools. This time period was incredible because it created a whole new way of living for everyone. -
Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party was a unique event in which the American colonists made a stand and protested against rising tax prices. Something as simple but still used daily was tea; and tax prices were crazy and many people could no longer even afford something so simple. As an act of rebellion, a group called "The Sons of Liberty" boarded three boats and overthrew almost 342 chests full of tea to make their statement. -
Revolutionary War
Also known as the, "U.S. War of Independence", this war began with people in Great Britain not agreeing with people from the original North American 13 colonies. This time period consisted of multiple wars and battles; both major and small. Different parties joined the side they were in favor of, (for example France joined continental american armies.) This battle was truly a fight for independence as colonies fought for their freedom. -
Currently known as the, "Constitutional Convention," this event is where the constitution was written. Over the course of four months, thirty five different delegates were present for the long process of writing the Constitution. In this large piece of writing were different human rights, new and fair government policies, and new laws everyone needed to follow. This set the pathway for a new way of living and new ways of keeping the colonies at ease and in control. -
Factories Begin
Following the Industrial Revolution, people were creating more effective ways of getting things done and producing various items. The higher class people needed a way to buy the things they needed. So, factories were built. These were buildings full of people even young children, who worked long, harsh hours and paid barely anything. The work conditions of these factories were terrible, but the people who were in charge of the factory made a lot of money. -
Lewis & Clark
Lewis and Clark were two partners who were assigned to travel many miles in search of new findings. They were traveled by boat and foot and found new people, (Indian tribes) new plants, animals, medicines, and much more. The white men brought back tips from they learned from the Indians and began harvesting foods and growing crops easily. But this all came at a price; unfortunately these white men brought many new diseases and germs to the Indians. The Indian population greatly dwindled. -
Manifest Destiny
Following Lewis and Clark's new found findings that the earth was so large, they brought back so much new knowledge with them. The Manifest Destiny was the realization for all people that they wanted to expand their horizons, they not only wanted it but now believed they were supposed to; destined in a way. -
Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was meant to settle any tension between the North and South states. The south wanted their slaves back, while the North was fighting to end slavery. The Missouri Compromise successfully was able to draw a border across what was formerly Louisiana Territory; setting in stone which states could legally have slaves and which could not. -
Bleeding Kansas
Bleeding Kansas refers to many bloody uprisings and rebellious acts of violence between people who supported slavery and those that did not. It is named Bleeding Kansas because these acts happened at the time of settling the new Kansas territory. These acts of violence included the South and the North; who were both trying to make a prominent statement. -
Civil War
Known as the, "American Civil War", this battle was fought from 1861 until 1865. Both sides included were the Union (United States, mainly Northern states) and the Confederates, (Southern States). A few of the issues that stemmed this war were as follows: State's rights, expansion, slavery, and federal authorities. Tension grew so big and for so long it finally exploded and the two sides battled until a solution was found for all of their different opinions. -
The Reconstruction era began after the Civil War and it was mainly cleaning up all of the terrible aftermath, and rebuilding the United States from the damage of the Civil War. This was also the time period when Abraham Lincoln came into the picture and finally decided to end the argument between the North and the South. He declared the ending of slavery, and helped rebuild the U.S tremendously. -
Assassination of Lincoln
Following the same year as Reconstruction, shortly after slavery was declared ended; a southerner did not like this decision. A man named John Wilkes Boothe disagreed with Lincoln's terms and decisions, eventually plotting an assassination of Abe Lincoln. Unfortunately, the assassination was successful, leaving the 16th president of the United States dead and the North in chaos; not knowing what to do without their president.