Jamestown is Founded
First English Settlement -
Mayflower Compact is established
First form of self government in the New World -
Beginning of French and Indian War
George Washington was sent there -
End of French and Indian War
Treaty of Paris 1763
After French and Indian War -
Proclamation of 1763
said that no settlers could cross the appalachian Mountians and settle there -
Battle of Lexinton and Concord
First battles of American Revolution -
Declaration of Independence
When America officially broke free from England -
Battle of Saratoga
Turning Point of the American Revolution -
Valley Forge
The place where George Washington camped his troops -
Articles of Confederation
America's first form of government, Document was weak and was replaced by Constitution. -
Battle of Yorktown
Last Major Battle in the American Revolution -
Treaty of Paris 1783
Forced Britian to recognize America as an independent nation and be peaceful. -
Constitution of the USA is Established
Current form of Government for US -
Washington’s Term Beginning
First Presidency of the United States begins -
Whiskey Rebellion Beginning
Was Protest to Whiskey Tax placed on farmers -
Whiskey Rebellion Ending
Ending of rebellion by farmers who highly depended on whiskey as their main crop -
Washington's Farewell Address
Letter by George Washington to people of United States stating to not make any permanent alliances with outside countries and not to create political parties and to run up debt. -
Washington Term Ending
First end of first Presidency in United States -
John Adams Presidency begins
Beginning of second presidency of the United States -
John Adams Presideny Ending
End of second Presidency in United States -
Thomas Jefferson Presidency Begins
Beginning of third Presidency in United States -
Louisiana Purchase
Doubled the size of the US -
Thomas Jefferson Presidency Ending
End of third Presidency in United States -
Civil War Beginning
Civil War Ending
Beginning of Reconstruction