History timeline

  • 10,000 BCE

    Paleolithic times

    These times went from the first use of stone tools to about 10,000BP. I chose this event because this was a new time introduced and this allowed for the expanse of tools and technology. This took place wherever the human race was.
  • 2000 BCE

    Neolithic times

    The Neolithic times lasted from 10200BC to about 2000BC. This is important because this time introduced new tools. They started using more complex devices and tools to help them live. This eventualy would lead to the use of metal tools and what we use today.
  • Joesph Stalin

    Joesph Stalin was the leader of Russia from 1929-1953. Russia was mainly a farming and industrial country but Stalin turned the USSR into a powerhouse military force. He was feared by other countries and his own people. He killed countless people in his own country using starvation as his power.
  • Adolf hitler

    Hitler ruled in Germany from 1933-1945. He was a fascist ruler who blamed germanies problems on the Jewish. He built Germany up after WW1, and built them into a huge military and industrial superpower. Hitler invaded Poland and started WW2. His technological advances helped him take on the allies and created many new inventions and break through ideas.
  • Holocaust

    The holocaust was one of the most horrific cases of genoside in human history. Many millions of people were killed just because of there races and religions. Hitler used this as his main driving force to win his people in Germany. He believed they were the source of germanies problems. After WW2 hundreds of people were tried for war crimes and many were convicted.
  • Pearl Harbor

    The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was the worst attack ever to take place on American soil. The Japanese attacked the United States at its naval base in Oahu. This is where many of our battle ships and carriers were held. They did this because we cut them off with our oil supply. This sent us into World War Two.
  • Cuban missle crisis

    The Cuban missle crisis was an issue between the United States and the Soviet Union. The USSR was moving missles to Cuba which was way closer than any other nuclear missle. This would have put us at a huge disadvantage in the arms race we wouldn't be able to react quick enough if there were a attack.
  • Jfk assassination

    Jfk was a huge part in the Vietnam war. There was a ton of controversy when he was killed in Dallas. A sniper shot him in his car. There is also controversy on how many people were involved or if the government was involved. This helped spark the United States into deploying troops to Vietnam.
  • Black panthers

    The black panthers were a group of African Americans who believed in violence to get there point across. They were a modern day milita. There leader was put in prison for the muster of a police officer. These people made the government think about how they were treating the African Americans at this time.
  • PTSD

    PTSD is a condition often referd to as shell shock. It is the brain playing memories and hallucinations of violent or horrific things the mind won't let go. This is common in returning soldiers. There still has not been a cure to this condition. Many people try to fight it and it ends up hurting them more. The best they can do is see help.