Confiscating part of China
Japan confiscated Manchuria in Northeast China to make a large Asian colonial empire (not enough resources). -
Hitler to power
Hitler came to power. -
Jews isolated
The Jews became immensely isolated; not allowed to enter public places anymore. -
Jew discrimination intensifies
The Jewish discrimination intensified. Jews weren't allowed to marry someone with 'German blood'. -
Hitler signed a pact friendship with facist Italy. (axis which Europe should revolve around.) -
Violation of Treaty of Versailles
Hitler sent his troops to the Rhineland, on the French border. (violation). French and British did nothing; appeasement. -
Japan Axis powers
Japan joins the Axis powers. (Germany, Italy and Japan.) -
Japan signed alliances
Japan signed alliances with Germany and Italy and attacked the rest of China. (cruel). -
Austria taken by Hitler
March. Hitler threatened to invade Austria if the government didn't give the Nazi's power. Germany marched into Austria (warm welcome) and took it over. -
Conference Munich
September. A conference in Munich in which France and Italy where present; Czechoslovakia give up Sudetenland in return for peace from Hitler. -
Letter (story) >Kiristallnacht entry
Herschel Grynszpan received a letter from his parents in Germany that were being exported in lorries and Grynszpan took action... -
Goebbels was outraged at the act of Herschel Grynszpan (killing an employee of the German embassy) and made all Jews pay for Grynszpan's actions by setting synagogues in flames and plundering all Jewish stores. -
Treaty Nonaggression
Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed a treaty of nonaggression; Hitler prevents two-front war. -
Persecution of Jews
Nazis started persecuting Jews in the countries that they lived, they forcibly made the Jews leave the country and leave all their belongings behind. -
A bomb for a bomb
'Attack' on German radio station near Poland. (SS officers actually put in polish uniforms and planted dead bodies of prisoners in German uniforms) -
Another occupied area
April. Germany occupied Denmark and Norway. (Already in possession of Norway) -
Invasion Netherlands
The Eastern border was invaded in the morning by the Germans, their mission being to take the queen and government ministers prisoner to encourage surrender. -
another Blitzkrieg
Germany started a blitzkrieg against The Netherlands, Belgium and France. (Belgium surrender; 18 days. France surrender; 6 weeks.) -
Fall of defence
Central line of defence on the Grebbeberg in the middle of the country fell. (Netherlands) -
Bombers Rotterdam
Hitler became impatient and wanted The Netherlands to surrender faster; bombing Rotterdam. -
German occupation
Germany occupied The Netherlands. -
Labour unions synchronized
The labour unions were then headed by Nazi and had to propagate Nazi ideology. Netherlands. -
Powerful enemy
December. The US joined the British and Russians; Allies. -
Skating fever
The cause; Elfstedentocht -
February strike & German retaliation Netherlands.
February. People went of strike in Amsterdam and the Germans retaliated by killing 9 people and 3 strikers executed, together with members in the resistance cell (1st resistance to become Nazi victims.) -
Jews fought back
Jews were attacked by NSB members, so they fought back and killed a member. Netherlands. -
Germans arrested 400 Jews in Razzias. (army chasing a group of people.) Netherlands. -
Operation Barbarossa
Hitler started the operation in which he wanted to destroy the Soviet Union and conquer 'lebensraum' in Russia. -
Attack on Pearl harbor
Japan aircrafts bombed Pearl Harbor (2500 death) -
German still winning
It still seemed like Germany was winning, even with the help of America. -
Advantage air and sea
The British and Americans started to gain the advantage on sea and in the air again. -
Japan stopped
The Japanese advance was stopped before the summer of 1942. -
The Holocaust
Jews and people that weren't of 'ideal race' from everywhere were deported to concentration camps and murdered or expected to work to death. This was the genocide of WW2. -
The Deportation
A Wansee conference was held and decided on the 'comb out' of Europe; the execution of all the Jews in Europe. Not only the Jews would be sent to these concentration camps, but disabled people, black people, gypsies, crossbreeds and many more that didn't meet Hitler's expectations. This was carried out by Eichmann. -
1st Surrender
Germany surrendered after being surrounded after they advanced into the south of the Soviet Union; Bloodiest battle in the world history. (turning point.) -
Germans out of North Africa
Germans out of North Africa and into South Italy. -
No radios
April. Dutch people needed to hand in their radios to prevent them from listening to the truth. Netherlands. -
America bombing Japan
America started bombing Japan, so they resorted to kamikazes. -
Americans and British started an invasion of Western Europe; Belgium and Southern Netherlands liberated. -
Antwerp & Mad Tuesday
Allies conquered Antwerp, that night they sent fake news that they were already in the Dutch border. 'mad tuesday' -
Maastricht liberated
Maastricht became the first large Dutch city to be liberated. -
Attack on SS leader
Hans Rauter SS leader was attacked (survived), as a result, 661 men and boys from Putten sent to concentration camps: 540 killed. -
Red army invasion
January. The red army invaded Germany. Hitler refused. -
Total liberation
The east and north of The Netherlands were liberated by Canadian troops. -
Surrender and suicide
After deep penetration in Germany by the Allies and RUSSIAN TAKING BERLIN IN, Hitler suicided. -
German surrender accepted
The German commander went to the Canadian commander and prince Bernhard in the hotel 'De Wereld' where he accepted the German surrender. -
Germany signed capitulation. -
The Allies entered the cities in the western part of the country and they held festivals; Dutch women getting impregnated by Canadian soldiers. -
Japan forced surrender
Japan was forced to surrender after the use of two atomic bombs.