History Timeline

By nicai
  • 1994 BCE


  • 1947 BCE

    Discovery of Grand Banks

  • Period: 1946 BCE to 1964 BCE

    Baby Boom

  • 1945 BCE

    Contemporary Period

  • 1944 BCE

    Hydro Quebec nationalization

  • Period: 1929 BCE to 1939 BCE

    The Great Depression

  • Period: 1900 BCE to 1914 BCE

    Third wave of immigration

    Mostly European
  • Period: 1896 BCE to 1929 BCE

    2nd Phase of Industrialization

  • 1884 BCE

    Completing of CPR

  • 1879 BCE

    National Policy

  • 1867 BCE

    BNA Act

  • Period: 1867 BCE to 1896 BCE

    1st Phase of Industrialization

  • 1812 BCE

    3 Cultures arrived in Canada

    Irish, Scottish, English
  • 1812 BCE

    Second wave of immigration

    Britain, Ireland
  • Period: 1803 BCE to 1815 BCE

    Napoleonic Wars

  • Period: 1783 BCE to 1784 BCE

    Loyalists Migration

  • Period: 1780 BCE to 1812 BCE

    First wave of immigration

    Loyalists and American
  • 1763 BCE

    British Conquest

  • Period: 1760 BCE to 1763 BCE

    Military Rule

  • 1663 BCE

    Royal Government

  • 1627 BCE

    Founding of Company of 100 Associates

  • 1609 BCE

    Quebec Permmnent Settlement

  • 1609 BCE

    French Regime

  • 1608 BCE

    Champlain relocating from Port Royal to Quebec

  • Period: 1492 BCE to 1609 BCE
